The Five of Wands

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"For You have girded me with strength for battle; You have subdued under me those who rose up against me." 

Psalms 18:39 


Mary Wardwell became quite accustomed to being a witch. 

She had found a nice corner in the back of the Academy's library after some dry clothes and food were given to her previously at the Mortuary, excited to continue her research on witchcraft now that she realized it was a more integral part of her life. 

Her arrival hadn't shocked Zelda too much at first, breakfast was normally dramatic in the Spellman household if she was honest, but looking at Mary Wardwell reminded her about Lilith whom she missed dearly despite only being apart from her for a few hours. It was evident that she wasn't; her mannerisms weren't the same, she kept all of her gorgeous hair in a strict bun, and the confidence that the demoness exuded stayed across the street from where Mary was most times... but still... it was hard not to be reminded when they had the same face. 

For Mary, Zelda had picked a great selection of beginner books about the craft and some supplemental readings about their faith that she had spent weeks combing through to make sure they were acceptable. Mary had thanked her profusely, had called her Ms.Spellman more times than she was comfortable, and then Zelda had left her to her own devices reminding her that if she was in need of anything, her office was right down the hall. 

She traipsed the hallways that were normally attended by the few children that they had, but it was lunchtime, and they would all be at the dining hall. The Academy had seen such a drastic change since her childhood. They had built it back up from scratch, from the ashes of the old school. Zelda wanted to focus on the small details when it came to the reformation, had pressed it so much that she spent weeks agonizing over where to begin. Now she was happy that she did as her fingers trailed over the royal blue interior, a stark contrast to the blood-red that had been there forever. Centuries of life and Zelda could not have been happier in that span of time than she had been these past few months despite the impending war and the uncertainty. 

Zelda continued her walk and her mind wandered to that curious place she found herself in many times. She wasn't a witch to believe in coincidences, especially now that both Sabrina and herself were subjects of different prophecies. In all honesty, hoped that the Spellman family would be done with the recurring apocalypses once this prophecy was wrapped up. It would be a well-needed break. 

Part of Zelda, a very childish and foolishly romantic part of her, wanted to believe that she was always meant to meet Lilith in this life-changing way. That possibly, in a different world where they existed, they could even be soulmates.  

Zelda had always had a hard time with love, and it went past her failed marriage to Faustus, or her twisted relationships with any of the other countless witches and warlocks who came and went. With Lilith, it was so discernably different. Comfortable and natural, like returning to a familiar place. 

"Aunt Zelda?" Sabrina called, breaking Zelda away from her thoughts. 

"Yes, Sabrina? Is there something wrong?" 

"No, no nothing is wrong. I wanted to ask how Ms.Wardwell was doing?"

"Surprisingly well, all things considered. She's in the library now if you'd like to join her, I'm sure she'd enjoy the company." 

"Another time, maybe. I'd actually like to talk to you, Aunt Zee. I have some questions about... a lot of things." 

"Like what?" Zelda replied, curious as to what Sabrina would inquire. 

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