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" Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered."

Hebrews 5:8


Zelda was desperate to live, so she did not register in her mind what type of repayment she would be inclined to give once she was healed. The way Constance was looking at her since they stepped through the threshold made her a little nervous and she did not doubt that Circe collected what was owed to her.

"Now Hell sickness is a tedious thing, dangerous too. Almost always lethal," Circe sat close to Zelda, close enough to make her uncomfortable, "But, we can limit the gravity of it until you complete your quest. Then once you get back up to the surface it should all... disappear. Like magic." Circe winked like it was an inside joke only the two of them were apart of.

"What should I do? To heal it..."

"Oh, darling, you just rest and let me handle it. A simple potion will do, to keep you moving, keep you strong," Circe observed her table before plucking up a fresh sage leaf from the myriad of plants in the middle of it, "Chew on this for a bit, should clear up your system nicely; banish the bad spirits."

Zelda did what she was told, her fever feeling worse even with all of Circe's woolen blankets around her, while the sorceress began the potion that already smelled overwhelmingly of mint.

"It is a very brave thing you're both doing, although a bit idiotic."

"What do you mean?" The witch asked around her mouth full of sage.

"Well, you fight so hard for someone you can't be sure will win. You and I both know Lucifer will return soon. He isn't dead." Zelda wished Constance hadn't retired herself upstairs, she wasn't sure she wanted to have this conversation with Circe. The sorceress wouldn't' start doubts in her mind about her goddess, but Zelda would be lying if she hadn't been holding doubts about the war itself.

"And the gods know, Lilith can't protect everyone. Though she'll try," Circe sighed, "She's got that annoying quality about her now. Patrolling this, protecting them... I thought it was that blonde little girl's influence but after meeting you, maybe I was wrong."

"That blonde little girl is my niece."

"Then it definitely comes from you, here," She placed the mint smelling drink in the redhead's hand. It was Blanche white, like cough syrup, but went down smooth like milk at her tentative taste.

"Thank you for your help, Circe, I appreciate it."

"Of course. Afterall there's much to gain from this moment of charity. Much to gain indeed."

Zelda pushed her uneasiness further aside, taking more sips of her potion already feeling the buzzing effects of the magic. She was becoming more tired by the minute, succumbing to the draught like potencies of whatever was put into the drink. If she was panicking, she couldn't register it.

"Now tell me, High Priestess, your coalition on earth, is it as organized as Hell's? It seems daunting to have such a small church fight against the forces of Lucifer..."

"We managed fine before when there were less than half of the church fighting against him." Of course, they had a network of sorts now. Dorcas and Agatha had been making connections to the churches of the old world, and many of them were willing to fight when the time came. But Zelda would not disclose any of that information.

"I hope you are strong enough to succeed."

"We will be," Zelda assured Circe, "otherwise I wouldn't have taken the chance of coming down to Hell at all if I thought it was hopeless."

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