Lily of the Valley, Drunk on Her Perfume

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"Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth – for your love is more delightful than wine."

Song of Solomon 1:2


Hilda had put Zelda on bedrest despite her arguments against it. She felt fine, more than fine if she was honest with herself. Her body hummed with the energy she untapped in Caliban's basement, making her sensitive, longing the one special demoness who had yet to arrive and pick up her Athame, though it had been three days since her return from Hell.

"Zelda, you're looking well. Vibrant." Blue eyes burned into Zelda's skin, boring into her soul.


"Don't get up," The woman replied, halting Zelda in her tracks. Instead she met her, sitting in the center of the bed, closer than Zelda had anticipated from her. Delicate fingers tracing the angles of the redhead's face, her thumb tracing softly over her bottom lip.

"Are you upset with me?" Lilith shook her head.

"No, just concerned. You're so warm as if... as if there were flames underneath your skin." Zelda's eyes dipped at the contact she was receiving. Lilith moved even closer as if entranced, Zelda felt more entranced by her.

"Is that a bad thing?" Zelda whispered against the skin of Lilith's wrist, breathing in her unique scent.

"No, not at all." A beat passed between them, the tension was drawn out, a new type of silence forming between them.

"I have your Athame, it's safe, ready for you."

"I know," Lilith moved to kiss her forehead, the dimple on her cheek, and down to her lips where Zelda finally closed the distance. All the firey energy she felt the last few days rush to her core, her hands tangling immediately to dense curls, nails scratching lightly against her scalp. The demoness moved down her jaw, and her lips burned like hellfire against the skin of Zelda's neck. Teeth nipping lightly, playfully against her sensitive curve. Not enough to leave a mark, but enough for the witch to understand that Lilith wanted to. Then, a hand moved against her inner thigh, thumb caressing gently under silk on milky skin. The light pressure was enough to invite the pooling heat to become more intense at her core; but it wasn't where she wanted Lilith, where she needed her to be.

"Lilith?" Zelda whispered sharply, concentration slowly slipping.

"Yes?" The other woman made her way back up to Zelda's mouth, capturing her bottom lip with her teeth before pulling away. Desperation revealed slightly in her strong voice. "Too much?'

Too little. Zelda wanted to reply.

"I need you, my queen. I need-" Zelda faltered her words, Lilith's eyes darkening in a dangerous way, a smirk gracing her otherworldly face. Zelda felt extremely small and extremely horny. Damn, she knew what she was doing.

"What do you need, my High Priestess?" Lilith asked as she pushed said woman flat against the bed they were on, lifting up the nightgown she wore, kissing languidly against her sternum and down her stomach. "What do you need from your queen?" She skipped where Zelda needed her most, choosing to continue her teasing against each of her thighs, caring less about not leaving marks than she had on her neck just moments earlier.

"You know, mmmm, where I need you." Zelda's words interrupted by the sensation of Lilith's thumb ghosting against her clit.

"Hmmm," She hummed in fake pensiveness, "I think I need more clarification." Zelda groaned in frustration. She was embarrassed to ask, she knew Lilith would make her beg, and gods was she touched starved...

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