Soul Calling

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"For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope"

Romans 15:4 


"Zelda, breakfast is ready!" The mentioned witch groaned in response, only becoming more annoyed at her sister's insistent knocking. It was too early, in Zelda's opinion, to be bothered by something as trivial as breakfast. But she knew that her sister herself was not a morning person, so she concluded that waking her up this early was important. They did have to inform the rest of the Church that Zelda was alive from the fight with the two princes of Hell, and also, inform them of what was to come next.


"Sounds like you'd better get up, high priestess." Lilith bemused but didn't seem eager to let Zelda go from where she was holding her.

"What if I'm comfortable enough here?" And she was comfortable, enclosed in Lilith's arms, far away from responsibility and duty of the war and the church, even if just for the morning.

"I'm not sure Hilda will accept that answer, but feel free to try it on her."

"Sister, I know you're up, you can't ignore me- oh, hello?" Hilda, impatient as ever, tried the door not realizing that it wasn't locked. Zelda felt that she should be at least a little embarrassed at the fact that the queen of Hell was in her bed, and that she hadn't been honest with her sister about the development of their relationship if she was bold enough to call it that.

"Hello, Hilda. You're looking well-rested."

"Well, um yes, thank you! It's uh... good to see you again, my queen. If-if you would like to come down for breakfast there's plenty to go around! We have-"

"Hilda, it's fine, we'll be down." Zelda had to interrupt Hilda before she went on one of her rants. Lilith, graciously, was very nice about her sister's awkwardness but now, it was beginning to be weird.

"Wonderful! And-and Zelds, do you want me to get the tw-?"

"I've got the twins, Hilda. You can go downstairs. Now." And off she went, bumbling on about being clumsy and, thankfully, closing the door behind her. Zelda let out the breath that she was holding.

"Wow, Diretrix Spellman. You gonna start giving me directions like that too?"

"Me, giving directions to the queen of Hell? People might start getting the wrong idea." Zelda reached across the other woman to grab the robe she had discarded across her vanity chair.

She stood up from the bed and secured the robe around herself. Lilith doing the same. Zelda was becoming quite comfortable with Lilith wearing her clothes, though having double the laundry on those days when Lilith decided to stay on Earth was just a tad annoying, not that she would be sharing those thoughts.

Dutifully, Lilith followed Zelda to where the twins were, staying outside of the room as the two of them weren't partial to strangers. Hopefully, they would get to know Lilith and would learn not to be afraid of her as they had learned to be afraid of their father. But it was up in the air for now, and it was better to remain cautious.

Zelda slipped into the room. Judas was already awake which, normally, she would be grateful for, seeing as he was a very heavy sleeper. But there were tears in his eyes that suggested he had a very bad nightmare. Another awful thing that Blackwood had left this family with.

"Judas," She whispered carefully. He was so tiny, knees brought up under his chin. "Did you have another bad dream?" She sat beside him, bringing the boy closer, and wiping the tears from his face. "You know you can always come to me or aunt Hilda when you have bad dreams, right?"

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