The Godmaker

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"I am my beloved's, and their desire is towards me"

Song of Solomon 7:10


"What's happening, Lilith?"

The adrenaline rush she had felt in the clearing when she had killed those demons had cleared and it left with her this hollow exhaustion she hadn't given herself a chance to feel since she walked from Hell with Lilith's Athame in her hand.

The situation wasn't helped by the fact that she felt somewhat exposed, having just come from a much-needed shower and clothed in a pink slip with her hair still wet against her shoulders.

Lilith had waited patiently which Zelda was grateful for, offering her space to mentally prepare herself to receive answers.

"Something I wish I was powerful enough to prevent," Was how she answered. Zelda was not blind to the anger in her voice, nor to the guilt.

"Explain it to me then, please?" Zelda grabbed Lilith's hands in her own, brought her to the edge of the bed to sit, kissed her lips as well. They tasted of cherry wine, Zelda was sure she still tasted of blood.

"It is a story unfolding, millennia old. Written in the scribe books of Heaven. The gest for Hell's throne. The fight between the Moon and the Morning Star. And the Universe wants you in the center of it, and I hate the Universe for that."

"A prophecy? From Heaven?' Lilith nodded her head.

"Yes, yes it's all very archaic. I told you the story of the garden, now I must tell you more. The only way you'll understand what you are prophesized to do is if you understand me, and all that you mean to me."

"I want to know, everything. Even the worst of it."

"Very well, then I will show you."

They were transported to some memory, Zelda believed. The edges were hazy. But it was definitely Hell, at its very beginnings when there were only the cave and piles of scrolls and rolls of animal fur as carpet.

A younger Lilith sat there, appearing just as Lilith had described herself to be before. Red robes adorned her frame as she curiously read through a scroll, eyes passing over the script while anxiety filled her eyes.

"Lilith!" And younger Lilith flinched and the one beside Zelda with blue eyes and dark hair did too. The younger version quickly discarded the scroll under the others, placing her gaze back on the fire in front of her.

"I called for you, did Stolas not send my word?"

"No my Lord, he must've gotten distracted by the earthworms again. This is their season, when the sun stays out a little longer, right my Lord?" Lucifer's ego was thoroughly stroked, his demonic frame hidden just out of view, but his presence strong and invasive nonetheless.

"Right, my darling Lilith. You hold great knowledge about the seasons from your time in the garden. Though perhaps making Stolas a bird was a mistake on your part, hmm?"

"It is alright, if it is fine with you, for him to stay a raven. I will mind him about his distractions so it should not happen again." The red robes were pulled tighter around her when Lucifer stepped closer to her, Zelda felt sick.

"You've piqued my curiosity this evening; why do you love Stolas as a raven so much? You could have a fiercer familiar for your magic."

"Ravens are the call of death, and everything dies eventually."

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