Lilith and Eve

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"Jehovah make the woman that is come into thy house like Rachel and like Leah, which two did build the house of Israel." 

- Ruth 4:11 


"Feeling better, my love?"

"Yes, much better." Zelda stood in front of Lilith's grand bedroom mirror, dressed in a borrowed rouge nightgown. She pushed the strap back over the bandages on her right shoulder that she had been inspecting, and caught a trace of the woman's smile in the reflection of the mirror.

Turning, and bearing a smile of her own, she saw Lilith settled nicely in her bed, a scroll in hand that she had been reading for the past half an hour. Zelda could tell that her mind was far away and that whatever was on the scroll must've been disturbing. She decided not to ask, she was pretty sure that her fight with Belgaphor had given the demoness enough stress for the night.

"Maybe you should take a break, Lily?" The nickname seemed to amuse her, and had her hand not come to cover her face, Zelda probably would've seen the slight blush spread across her cheeks. But Lilith, ever so composed, came back to herself quickly.

"Maybe you should come and distract me?" It was Zelda's turn to blush at her suggestion, but she wasted no time in crossing the room to sit next to her before Lilith promptly guided one leg to her other side so Zelda was straddling her instead.

"You're insatiable," Zelda joked.

"You told me to take a break," Lilith replied mischievously, "I could always return to the scroll-" Their lips met before she could finish that sentence, both smiling through the kiss. Zelda's hand tangled in the hair at the nape of Lilith's neck, the other resting on her shoulder. Lilith's hands were more adventurous, her left finding its way under the silk of the nightgown to rest on the plane of Zelda's stomach, and the right coming to grasp the curve of her ass.

"Do you want this?" Lilith asked against her lips, the question gleaming in the blue of her eyes. Zelda caressed the side of her face gently, tracing the line from the end of her brow to her hairline.

"I want you."

It was all the confirmation Lilith needed. Fingers delicately traced the path from her stomach to her waist, and Lilith flipped them over, carefully placing a pillow underneath Zelda's hurt shoulder before placing a kiss deftly on her forehead.

"Always so careful over me," Zelda responded with an accompanying and uncharacteristic giggle.

"Well someone has to be," Lilith drawled. The tone of her voice coupled with the slow strokes on her thigh elicited a shudder from Zelda. The atmosphere had officially changed, somehow the fire dimmed and the heat became more intense. Zelda knew of Lilith's role in history as a seductress, and gods, did she exceed those expectations every time they were together like this.

Now, after weeks apart, the demoness seemed determined to ruin her in the most delicious way, reminding the younger witch how addictive she truly was.

"Where do you want me?" Lilith whispered in her ear before kissing a burning path down her jawline.

"I-" Her words were stifled by a soft moan following Lilith sinking her teeth into her collarbone.

"What was that, my love? I couldn't quite catch what you said." Zelda caught her lover's bottom lip between her thumb, disrupting the satisfied grin that had blossomed. Her lips were swollen from when they had met Zelda's furiously, and they were pillowy soft.

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