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"And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Matthew 19:24


When Zelda awoke, she still felt the warmth from Lilith's body against her. Sometime during the night, she had moved, head tucked up under her chin and soft snores invading the stillness in the room. Zelda nuzzled deeper into Lilith's neck, feeling the post-coitus sensation down her spine and in between her thighs. She kissed gently on the nearest spot of skin, drunk on Lilith's essence and in this moment.

The demoness stirred; her breathing irregular for a few moments before steadying out. Her hand releasing the red locks it was entangled in to rub the last dregs of sleep from tired eyes. Lilith glowed so beautifully in the light that shone from the window, skin covered in glittering gold, a lion's mane of wild, untameable hair, and precious pink lips, worried on the bottom. She was always so worried...

"Goodmorning," Zelda whispered, a tickle in the wind.

"Morning," The demoness replied, pushing a stray hair behind Zelda's ear, a sleepy smile gracing her face. "How was your sleep?" 

"Amazing," Zelda answered with a dopey smile. She hadn't slept that well in over a year having so many anxieties. Though she still had many things to concern herself over, being with Lilith gave her some security she had been searching for for a long time. Zelda was too afraid to ask what last night meant, she wanted to remain in this content space. No blurred lines, just mutual respect. 

"And you feel well? No more Hell sickness symptoms?" Before Lilith could bring her bottom lip between her teeth again, Zelda caught it with her thumb, smoothing over it to keep it from the harm her goddess would put to it. 

"You shouldn't worry so much, you'll end up with only a top lip." Lilith rolled her eyes affectionately. Taking Zelda's hand in her own and ghosting her lips over the top. "But I don't believe I am hell sick anymore, I think finding your Athame healed me. When I touched it... I felt..." The younger witch couldn't find the words to describe what had happened in Hell. She was sure Avnas and Constance had summarized, but the way Lilith was looking at her, enticing the story from the source, it made her feel like she was being put on the spotlight. 

"I may have summoned hellfire, and I killed Caliban." Zelda set up suddenly, the room feeling hot like the Prince of Hell's basement when the events went down only three days ago. "Avnas said that it was probably a dormant trait because Sabrina could do it... but it didn't feel right." She felt Lilith move to sit up beside her, eyes determined to say something. She never got the chance, the phone rang beside them. 

"I should take that," Zelda stretched her arms towards the rotary on the bedside table, bringing it up to her ears in anticipation. She took notice of the time, 9 a.m., on the clock across the room. It was probably her sister asking her why she wasn't the academy yet. 

Imagine her surprise when she heard Ambrose on the phone. 

"Nephew? What's going on, you're at the church?" 

"Auntie, we found him. He's with us at the church, we just brought him in." 

Zelda took a deep breath before replying. "And Judas?" 

"Safe with Nicholas, Sabrina, and Leticia. Aunt Hilda's with Prudence and I now. We're keeping him under guard."  She moved quickly to gather a change of clothes, annoyed by the phone chord that limited her movements. She bundled her ridiculously expensive clothes in her arms, not caring about the wrinkles that would occur from her mishandling.   

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