Led Zeppelin? (Not but well...)

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"That makes sense, right? I mean, super-conducting silicon would be a better option than liquid Titanium-Platinum magnalium but it's too heavy, and if you could use something with a higher melting point and lower resistance and frame index, like Vibranium, it will allow circuits to be constructed very accurately on an atomic level and you can actually store it on person if you have some containment unit- Mr. Stark, why are you looking at me like that?"

The man in question was staring down at Peter with such intensity that his eyeballs might as well pop out of their sockets, "Kid, you do realize that you practically made nanotechnology practical in a casual conversation about Star Wars?"

Peter sheepishly grinned at his mentor, light red dust tinting his cheeks. All this time in the lab and he still hadn't grown accustomed to the noteworthy praise he would frequently receive after a minute of technoblabble.

Tony shook his head in disbelief. The kid would start off with exhilarating detail about retro-tech he saw in some 80s movie, and end with a complex hypothesis on manufacturing synthetic exoskeletons and storing them in endoskeletons.

"You know what kid? We get that implemented on Mark 50 and you are filling out your first patent."

"No way! That'd be so cool, Mr. Stark"

"Way cool" Tony fondly started designing the digital prints on his kid's idea, while Peter jabbered about anything and everything, occasionally giving his inputs to the mechanic.

"But until we recieve the shipments all of this is just one big science headcannon-"

"Kid- why can't you just call it hypothesis like a regular person"


A while later, both Peter and Tony got preoccupied with their separate tasks, working in comfortable silence with an occasional clang or whirring of machinery.

"Hey Friday, put on some music." Tony casually called out, and the AI began playing his favorite AC/DC tracks, causing Peter to raptly lookup.

"Is that Led Zeppelin?"

Tony bit back a laugh, and playfully lied, "Yes kid," he said humorously, "That is Led Zeppelin."

God, he had to teach this kid the musical side of pop culture.

But this was fine.

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