Chapter 13

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*Slenderman POV*

Oh my..what shall I do to save Ms.(Y/N). Hmm perhaps I can discuss this with E.J to see what he might know.

'E.J come down to my office immediately'

I hear footsteps running up the stairs.

"Yes Sir? what's the problem?"-E

'Ms.(Y/N) was kidnapped by someone. He wrote a note explaining what he wants us to do to get her back. We need to get her soon for Hoodie and Masky's sake. If they find out that she is missing they will have a mental break down'

"Oh I see. May I see the note?"-E


I handed him the note for him to read. Once he was done reading we discussed more of the subject.

"Sir we should probably meet this guy's demand, like you said for Hoodie and Masky's sake but also for her safety. He did say that he is going to punish her but what if he means like physical force?"-E

'Hmm you may be right. Then we shall go search the area that I last saw her at'

"Yes sir!"-E

Please Ms.(Y/N) hold up for much longer we will find you and I will personally kill the tyrant who wants to hurt someone who I see as my very own child.



WAZZZUP EVERYBODY???!!! I'm back with another chapter. Sorry that it isn't that long of a chapter╥﹏╥ If you guys figured out who captured you then leave a comment on who you think it is. It should be pretty obvious on who it is but WHATEVER!! and I would love to give a shoutout to GoodbyeForNow she helped me with this chapter so please go follow her and look at her profile. PEACE GUYS!!!



~Stay strong and beautiful

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