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"Alan, I can't do this anymore. The pills don't help, I can't." Alan looked at his wife in the eyes. Her tears outlined her green eyes. She was struggling with everything. Alan couldn't even say her name without thinking of losing her. His wife, Mira Brender, had struggled with depression for years. But she was tired of hanging onto her life, she couldn't take any more pills. Every time she opens the pills, the container rattles in her trembling hands. She has daily breakdowns, Alan is always there for her. But she can't give up, with a baby girl on the way. She's done with feeling this way, how could she provide happiness for her son and daughter if she wasn't happy."

The curved dirt paths leading through the park almost got Alan lost. He wandered through the park, lost in thought. When times were hard, he called Calvin. To reassure his purpose in life, be with his family. His phone fell out of pocket, the pieces shattered across the dirt. He leaned against a tree. He just sobbed, for hours, until Calvin came to take him home. 

"Dad, seeing you like this. It's torture. You have to stop, Jessie was not murdered. Please just go sleep, you haven't slept in days." Alan nodded, his son was right. But Alan didn't want to give up this case. It meant so much to him. "Listen, Calvin. This case is the one I want to complete. I'm not giving up. I've worked so hard to provide for you and find time for myself. It's been a crazy experience, looking for a murderer. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack." 

But I need something to give myself justice." Alan hugged Calvin. They both had tears in their eyes, as they talked about Mira. "You know, your smile is just like hers", Alan smiled. "I wish I could see her again, and I wish I had a sister", Calvin spoke softly. Alan took out his wallet, inside a picture of his wife and Calvin a week before she died. He handed it to Calvin, who cried softly to himself. They both looked at her picture by the fireplace. The warm fire created a light glow around the room. Alan sat on the couch staring at the fire, while Calvin slept on his lap. 

The next morning, Alan woke up confident. He knew that Sam was eager for him to fail in another case, but Alan had evidence. 

He walked in slowly into Sam's office. Sam glared at him, "Did you find evidence". Alan laughed, "I sure did". Alan smacked the picture of the bench in front of Sam. "This is not new evidence", Sam yelled. "It's the only one I've got, and if you could just please rule out who that person is in the photo", Alan smiled. 

Sam came back an hour later, a natural expression on his bland face. The photo was put in a 'Major Evidence Bag'. "Looks like the person is one of three people, Mia Myers, Clara Seeker, and Ricky Dela," Sam spoke with determination now. Alan gasped, "Now we have a lead". 

The metal door opened slowly, creaking even. "Suspect 01, come in please". 

Riverside BenchOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora