Suspect 02

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"I'll take a gallon of gasoline. Oh, and matches please." Amelia covered her face with a draped hood. The gas station clerk stared at her with his bored expression. She felt incredibly bad. Actually, worse than that. If it wasn't for the threats she'd turn herself in. But he has people on the outside. So if he gets arrested, things will happen. Bad things, horrible things. 

"Brender got any leads for me. Anything at all?", Sam Finald asked. "Sorry, Cheif. I've got nothing", Alan sighed. "Listen, I gave you an office for a reason. To get to work. Now find new clues. Because I'm pretty impatient at this point. There are people dead. We have to get to the case", Sam raised his eyebrow.  "Sorry, will do", Alan nodded. 

He went through the usual. Testing fingerprints, looking through files. Then something slipped out of the files. It was a letter. He'd looked precisely through these files over and over, yet he'd never seen this. 

Dear Jessie,

It's me, Amelia. Your favorite cousin! I'm writing to say I'm sorry. For what's going to happen. I know you're confused. But I want you to know that I'll make up for it. I'll turn myself in when I can. Please throw this out when you have the chance. My phone doesn't work, so don't call. Giving my utmost love, to Clara. Tell her I say happy birthday. Don't mention this letter to anyone. But I'm trying my best to not let it happen. Your my best friend, and so is Mia. But I hope this finds you well. Mia will be all right. Hopefully, you will be too. 

Your loving cousin, Amelia. 

Alan jumped at the sight of the letter. He ran into Sam Finald's office. "Sam, I've got evidence." 

Sam smiled, "Finally, Brender." 

They both studied the letter and the files for hours. they scanned the handwriting and the paper. They couldn't find any Amelia in the files. So, they turned to suspect two. Clara Seeker. 

"Hello, Clara. You probably know who I am.", Alan spoke to Clara. "Yes, Alan. I know exactly who you are. Jessie's friend.", she smirked. "Well, you are a suspect. I'll be asking you the following questions. Please answer honestly.", Alan said. 

"Where were you on the day of Jessie's death?" 

"At the park with her."

"Huh. What were you doing there with her?" 

"Well, I was a little bit mad at her for burning my birthday cake. But we hugged it out. She was the nicest person I ever met."

"Got it. Now, do have any connections to Amelia." Alan held up the letter.

Clara's face turned bright red. Her pupils widened. 

"Excuse me, Clara. Please answer my question." 

She bit her lip. "Yes. I know her. In fact, she's my-" Clara paused. "My sister." 

Alan's blank expression turned into a wide shock. "How did she connect to Jessie?"

"They are cousins. Jessie's my cousin." Clara stopped.

"Why did you give Vice Cheif Calim fake evidence?"

She turned red again. "He's my dad." 

"Why is Amelia apologizing to Jessie in the letter. She sounds very suspicious."

Clara slurped a big sip of water. "Um. Well. I haven't talked to Amelia in months."

Alan finished taking the notes. "Thank you. You may leave, Clara Seeker." 


Amelia grabbed the gasoline. She covered her face with a hood. Amelia knew what she was doing. Exactly. But she couldn't say no to him. She picked the lock in Calim's room. Sneaking through his room. She put on plastic gloves as she put the knife in her pocket. She snuck through the dark hallways next to the bathroom. The cameras were not going to see her, she had him turn them off. Then, she took the gasoline making a line next to the doors. So no one could get out. Amelia, felt her heartbeat skip. Then in her hand was a match. The fire sparked a beautiful orange glow. It reflected on her pale face. 

Then she dropped the match. 

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