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"RUN VAL!" An excited voice screamed from the other side of the field. Her legs were burning and her chest was unbearably tight but Valkyrie showed no signs of slowing down. She had a reputation to withhold, she wasn't planning on letting it go because she was tired.

She crossed the twenty mark, knocking down anyone in her way. Fifteen... Ten... The crowd around her exploded with applause as she slammed the ball across the line and was tempted to fall down with it.

She quickly felt the expected impact of her friend jump on her back whilst the rest of the team engulfed her in a sweaty hug. The buzz of another successful game radiated across the field. Everyone from Mar-Vell college was ecstatic at their victory, jumping around like springs.

"MAR-VELL COLLEGE TAKES THE WIN!" A voice boomed through the speakers like music to Valkyrie's ears. Her team coach ran over to them with a contagious grin across his face.

"Vikings!" He gleamed. "You all did amazing! Don't ever leave this college, I'll never find anyone as near as good as you lot!" The team laughed at his corny speech. "Now get out of here you sweaty teenagers. Get some well-deserved rest." He said warmly. They all strolled confidently back to the changing rooms except for Valkyrie.

"You did great out there, Val. But hows everything going up here?" He said tapping her helmet. Valkyrie shrugged him off trying to hide her annoyance.

"Fine." She said slightly bitterly.

"You sure? Because from where I was standing you were a hairlength away from starting a fight on that field."

"Well I didn't."

"If that girl wasn't sent off I think things would be very different." Valkyrie started to turn away, deciding the convosation was over.

"We've been through this coach. I don't have anger issues." She lied.

"As team captain I should hope not." He called after her.

"I can't hear you I'm too far away." Valkyrie shouted over her shoulder. Her coach chuckled slightly and walked away.

Valkyrie suddenly felt a large body collide with her own. She was about to object when it wrapped it's muscular arms around her and lifted her off the ground into a bear hug.

"Thor! Get off me you jerk!" Valkyrie protested until he lowered her to the ground.

"You did great!" He exclaimed. He was always more thrilled about the result of a game than she was, even if they lost.

"Of course I did." She said smugly.

"Your team would fall apart without you."

"Of course they would." He smiled at her confidence and they started walking together off the field.

"I'm relieved you won this game." He said.

"You always are."

"It puts you in a good mood, lucky for me as I'm the one who has to tell you." Valkyrie stopped imedietly in her tracks and grabbed Thor's arm.

"Tell me what?" She said suspiciously.

"You're getting a roommate."

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