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'Connecting to FaceTime...' was displayed on Carol's phone screen.

"Carol!" A voice said before the familiar face came into view.

"Hey Fury!" Carol said, happy to talk to him again. "How's Washington?" She asked eagerly.

"Washington's good. Not much is new here. What's up with you and that new college? Marvel was it?"

"Mar-Vell." She corrected. "It's alright."

"You staying on campus?"

"Yeah. I kinda had to." Fury nodded understandably. He knew all about Carol's parents. She sometimes thought he hated them more than she did.

"You doing OK?" He asked. He always had a genuine concern for Carol's well-being. He had a kind heart like Valkyrie.

"I guess. The stress of college is distracting me from them."

"I hope you're not getting too stressed."

"Well I had a panic attack yesterday." She said casually.

"You what!" He said loudly making Carol flinch.

"Taking my earphones out now." Carol muttered as she unplugged her earphones. Valkyrie was out with Thor and she was alone in the dorm but Carol always preferred talking to people on the phone through earphones.

"Yeah it was kinda scary but my roommate helped me. She's really nice." Carol said whilst wrapping up her earphones.

"Just nice?" Fury asked with a knowing grin on his face that Carol didn't notice.

"Yeah, she showed me around campus and we have lunch together everyday. She's really funny too. And ambitious. She doesn't care what people think of her... She's great." Carol concluded as she stared at Valkyrie's bi flag.

"She pretty?" Fury asked already knowing what Carol would say.

She. Is. An. Angel. "Yeah, she's cute." Carol said simply but Fury read through it.

"Your gay is showing."


"And then she said that I was cheesy, but I guess it was."

"Mmhmm." Thor hummed as he listened intently to Valkyrie rant about how amazing Carol was.

"So then when we had art I sat with her and was like 'your saviour is here' and listened to her talk about her paintings, which are amazing."

"You've spent too much time with Loki." Thor said.

"He out of prison yet?" She asked.

"Yes... then he stabbed someone again. Said they were harassing some woman at a bar."

"Same old Loki."

"Yep. So you and Carol are getting closer then?"

We were pretty close last night. "I suppose." Valkyrie said innocently.


"Yeah she's definetly bi. She said she was multiple times and I'm staring at her bi flag right now. I should get a lesbian flag." Carol said, looking at her bed rest.

"You don't need one. You set everyone's gaydar off as soon as you step into a room."

"What?" Carol exclaimed.

"Carol." Fury said calmly. "Are you or are you not wearing a flannel around your waist right now."

"I am but-"

"Cuffed jeans?"


"When was the last time you wore a leather jacket?"


"Point made." Fury concluded.

"But I just like the style." Carol argued.

"Said every queer girl ever. Not to mention you're an art student."

"That's what Valkyrie said!"

"The stereotypes come from somewhere."


"Just ask her out to the movies." Thor said.


"She likes movies doesn't she?"


"You're right, everyone likes movies."

"I will break your arm."

"Then you could go to dinner."

"I will smother you in your sleep."

"Maybe dinner's too much for a first date."

"I will stab you more times than Loki ever has."

"But I do have a list of great restaurants around here."

"I will strangle you with my bare hands.

"It's like I always say. You need to handle this head on. And by head on I mean lips on. And by lips on I mean you need to kiss her."

"THOR!" Valkyrie yelled and punched him in the chest.

"What? All I'm saying is you clearly like her and I fully support you. She seems like great girlfriend material." Thor said, sipping his drink innocently.

"Screw you! How many times do I have to say it. I'm not crushing on her!" I'm so crushing on her. She is wife material.


"You're a useless lesbian." Fury sighed.

"I prefer chaotic gay." Carol smiled. With her back on the bed and her legs against the wall she was the definition of chaotic gay.

"If you like her so much tell her."

"It's only a small crush." It's a huge crush. I want to punch her in the lips with my lips. Softly.

A/N everyone's always talking about Thor being a great matchmaker and the defender of lesbians but can we take a moment to imagine Fury totally approving of his adoptive murder daughter's romantic interest?

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