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Carol entered the dorm room as quietly as she could. She didn't want to wake Valkyrie and wasn't too keen on the idea of having the convosation she knew awaited her. It was the same anxiety she felt before coming out of the closet, Carol could only hope it would turn out better.

"Hey." Valkyrie said clearly. Carol turned towards the sound and was surprised to see Valkyrie awake and so alert. The room was still dark so Carol could only make out her siloet laying in her bed.

"Hi. Sorry to disturb you, I was just getting my art supplies." Her original plan was to do some drawing in the libary on campus but Carol knew she wouldn't actually get anything done.

"It's alright, I was awake anyway." Carol nodded and stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say. Valkyrie smiled slightly at this.

"You gonna come over here or is that corner more interesting?" Carol was glad Valkyrie was cracking jokes, it made her feel more comfortable.

She timidly approached Valkyrie's bed and sat lightly on the edge as Valkyrie sat up stiffly. She was still wearing her hoodie but Carol pretended she didn't notice.

"You OK?" Carol asked, resisting the urge to hold her hand out to support her.

"Yeah, just a bit achy." Silence passed between them for what felt like years. "I'm sorry." Carol looked up to meet her eyes as best she could in the dark. "I didn't mean to get angry at you. And I definetly didn't mean what I said. If anyone ever hurts you I want you to know you can come to me." Valkyrie said. She reached out for Carol's hand who didn't hesitate to lace her fingers through Valkyrie's. "We good?"

"Of course." Carol said warmly giving Valkyrie's hand a tight squeeze. "Can I ask you something?" She said hesitantly.


"You dont have to answer... why do you hate Em so much. She's annoying as hell but... there's more than that isn't there?" Valkyrie let out a long sigh and rubbed her temple with her free hand.

"Yeah... Yeah, there's more. I dated her in high school."

"You did?" Carol said, trying to hide her surprise and failing. Valkyrie nodded slowly.

"I dated her before I got to know her. I rushed in because that's what I usually do with relationships. She was toxic. She drived all of my friends away and made me believe it was a good thing. That I should be grateful. It was only when she cheated on me that I got out of the relationship. I should of broken up with her a lot sooner. Since then I haven't really dated anyone, nothing serious that is. Maybe I'm just afraid of getting hurt again."

"Sometimes you have to take that chance." Carol said.

"There's that bumper sticker side of you again." Carol laughed softly.

"For the record, what happened with me and Em won't be happening again."

"Then let's not talk about it again."

"Deal." Both girls smiled at each other with their hands still connected.

"Oh, guess what?" Carol said excitedly.

"What." Valkyrie laughed.

"My portfolio arrived today!"

"Yes! Carol that's great." Valkyrie gleamed.

"I know. I was so happy when Kartez told me. No more panic attacks."

"I hope not. You need a break from all this." Valkyrie said.

"A holiday would be nice. Somewhere relaxing and a five star hotel."

"Well we're both broke college students so I can't help you there. But you can always come back to my place." Valkyrie suggested. Carol's eyes brightened and her signature smile appeared on her face.

"I'd love that. Will your family be alright with it."

"Of course. I'm going tomorrow anyway." Carol leaned forward and hugged Valkyrie tightly.

"Thank you."

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