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I wake up cold. Really fucking cold.
A soft whine escapes my lips and I shiver as I pull my knees to my chest, my eyes fluttering open. Staring into the darkness around me, I fold my arms up and tuck them in the small space between my thighs and my chest. Squeezing my eyes back shut, I roll over and sigh. My teeth chatter and my whole body trembles. I desperately try to pull the lingering fog of sleep back over my mind, but find myself unable. Throwing my eyes open, I glare up at the darkness above me. I must have gotten an estimated total of five hours in the past three days. Stupid fucking hell and its stupid fucking hellishness.

Footsteps echo down the hall and I roll my head to the left, watching the space near where I know the door to my cell is. I don't move, staring somewhat unamused into the darkness, waiting for fucking Ahiah to start giving me orders like she always does. Stupid bitch thinks that just because she kidnapped me and made me into a monster, I'll listen to her and obey her every command.

The slot in the door slides open with a metallic screech and the demon's black eyes shine through, searching the room before they land on me. I wince away from the light as I adjust to the sudden brightness, the contrast between my cell and the hallway outside giving me a headache.
"Alex." She orders, the familiar annoyed edge in her voice. "Get the hell up. You have shit to do today."
I roll my eyes before refocusing my glare on her.
"You always say I've got shit to do. And it can always wait. I'm taking the day off." I argue.
"We are in Hell. Nobody gets a day off." Ahiah sneers as she pulls the door open.

I roll my eyes again and stand with a groan. She taps her foot impatiently as she waits for me to get up. I stretch my limbs before walking towards the door and brush past her into the corridor. I can't help but grin as I cross the threshold and feel my powers flood back through my veins. I glance down at the scar on my wrist, watching as it lights up quickly, matching the same pentagram looking signal carved into my cell door. I figured it was some sort of spell that dimmed my demonic abilities in my cell and kept me from escaping. That was the only smart thing Ahiah had ever done.

When I had first come to hell, before Ahiah had tortured me into becoming a demon, I had tried valiantly to escape. Once the demon got bored of the nightly attempts, she branded me and brought a witch to put a spell on me- basically a magical version of a child safety lock. I hated it.

Eventually, I gave up on the idea of escaping and rejoining the world. And a short while later, after months of relentless torturing, my soul finally broke and I became the monster I am today. Ahiah trained me to torture and kill, occasionally sending me on missions given to us by the King himself to take out rogue demons and other threats within hell.

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