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I take a deep breath, raising the blade, and squeeze my eyes shut.
"Adios, assmonkeys."
Just as I start swinging down, I hear a snap. I slam the blade into my stomach, expecting some grand, horrible pain, but instead, feel a sharp yet tolerable one. I open my eyes to find my hands wrapped around the handle of a kitchen knife, the angel blade nowhere to be found. Blood pools on my shirt though the wound is already itching to heal itself, and I let out an irritated breath as I rip the knife out and toss it on the floor.

"Sorry, dear. I know you made a whole grand speech, but I need you alive. You're my leverage." Crowley murmurs, gliding over to me.
"Leverage? Why the hell do you need leverage and why would it be her?" Sam asks.
"You, Alex, are a massive pain in my ass, and I'm incredibly happy to be rid of you," Crowley growls lowly into my ear before stepping forward to address the brothers and their angel.

"I need you boys to take care of something for me."
"And what would that be, your highness?" Dean replies sarcastically, crossing his arms over his chest.
I roll my eyes at his arrogance and huff irritatedly. The older man meets my gaze for a second, scowls, and turns back to the male demon. I shake my head at him but stop and smile when I spot a decanter half full of a dark amber liquid on a small end table across the room. Twin crystal glasses are stacked next to it, and I hurry over to them, ignoring Crowley as he calls my name in protest.

I quickly pour a glass, listening as Crowley sighs and returns to what he was saying.
"I need you to kill a rogue demon." He tells them curtly.
Raising an eyebrow curiously, I turn back to face him. I hold my glass up towards him in a mocking salute, and the demon rolls his eyes at me. I grin, lowering the glass and swallowing a small bit of the liquid. I moan softly as the alcohol burns a trail down my throat, and take another sip.

"Why don't you do it yourself?" Dean asks, pulling me back to their conversation.
"I have other things on my plate, Dean." Crowley snaps back, glowering at him. Dean gives Crowley an unamused look, and Crowley returns it with a glare.
"Fine. Can we get a name?" Sam inquires, stepping between them to break up the men's battle for dominance.
"Ahiah," Crowley states simply. My eyes widen in surprise and I choke on my drink, coughing violently. Crowley rolls his eyes at me, the three other men watching me fearfully. I get over my coughing fit and slam my glass down, the liquid splashing onto the table, glaring up at the King.

"What the hell? Ahiah isn't rogue. She works for you. Fuck, that's why I'm here!" I argue, advancing towards him and jabbing aggressively at the air to help make my point.
Crowley raises an eyebrow, challenging me to act out against him and though I am tempted to, I stop. I instead choose to stay where I am and seeth silently.

(ON HOLD) 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐍- 𝐉.𝐊.Where stories live. Discover now