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I jolt awake, covered in sweat and heart beating fast, to the sound of an alarm blaring. I glance quickly around my room, finding everything as it had been when I had convinced everyone to let me go to bed. I toss the sheets off of my body as my eyes catch on the light coming from under the door. The usual yellow-ish glow is replaced by long flashes of red light. The alarm sounds every time the light shines and fades out as the red does. I hesitantly climb out of bed and make my way to the door, walking on the balls of my feet to make less noise. Pressing my ear to the door, I find the hallway is mostly silent, save for humming in the distance. The tune is familiar, but not enough that I can place my finger on it.

I decide that it sounds far enough away that I can get out of my room and hopefully find someone else in the halls. Setting my hand on the doorknob, I twist it slowly, wincing at every little squeak before I get it open. I slide outside and stop again, listening for the humming that I've now realized is the tune of "Livin' On A Prayer" by Bon Jovi. It sounds like it is coming from upstairs. I turn to my left and make my way down the hall.

As I walk, I realize that something feels off- like I've forgotten something or left something behind, but I can't quite place my finger on what. I brush the pestering thoughts aside as I stop again, pressing myself to the wall as I listen to the rooms around me. The humming had stopped while I was preoccupied and had been replaced by footsteps coming down the stairs and headed my way. I dart to a nearby room- which luckily happens to be the weapons storage- still trying to remain quiet, and close the door behind me.

I turn around, wondering which weapon I should pick, and realize that the walls are all bare. The various guns and swords that I'm used to seeing hung up are missing. The arsenal of weapons that had been set on tables and counters were nowhere to be seen. I furrow my brows and open on of the nearby drawers, finding it empty. I pull open another one and find it to be in the same state. I pull open a few more cabinets and drawers before realizing that the room had been cleared out. All the weapons were gone. I swallow hard and shake my head as I look around the barren room, confused.

A sudden pain rips through my right knee and I barely have time to cover my mouth before a yelp escapes my lips. I crumple to the floor and begin to rub my hand over my knee, trying to find the source of the pain, but it fades before I can determine what is happening. I continue to run my hands over my leg, but find nothing out of the ordinary. I frown, growing more confused with each passing second and stand up. I test my leg out and determine that it works fine. I clench my jaw, shaking my head, and look around the empty room once more. I sigh, deciding that staying in here is doing me no good, and carefully open the door to leave.

I step outside, and as I close the door, I swear that I catch a glimpse of the room in its usual state- filled to the brim with guns and knives and whatever else we had found. I throw the door back open but find it empty again. I swallow hard and close the door, confused and now starting to get a bit scared too. I turn around and decide to make my way towards Dad's room, hoping that he is in there or one of his weapons is.

I try to sort out what had happened in the armory as I walk. The weapons vanishing and then momentarily reappearing and then vanishing again? The mysterious pain in my leg? My thoughts stop swirling for a second when I reach a corner. I pause for a second, listening for footsteps, and turn when I hear none. I crash right into someone with a thud and jump back, almost tripping and falling on my ass.
"Oh, look! There is someone else here!"
I look up when I hear the familiar voice, and find me standing over me. My jaw drops when I catch sight of my own eyes as they turn obsidian black, watch my own lips turn up into an unnaturally cruel grin. Blood is swiped across my face and my hair is matted and grimy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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