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(04x01: Lazarus Rising)
"Who are you?" Sam's panicked and angry voice shouts in the hall, pulling me from my book. I stand up quickly, tossing Harry Potter to the side, and rush to the kitchen of the hotel room Sam got for me.

We have been staying in separate rooms for a while now, Sam renting out two any time we switched hotels. I guess Dad was the one that really held us together, and now that he's gone... well, a lot's changed. Sam's been cold and angry, often distant towards me. I guess I remind him too much of Dad. He has random girls over constantly and has been leaving for increasingly large amounts of time throughout the day and night. I think he's been sneaking out with that demon of his, Ruby.

I rummage through the drawers before I locate the one I had hidden Dad's old gun in. Sam had tried to throw it away after Dad died, but I insisted on keeping it. It was like having a part of him, even though he was gone.

I check that the gun is loaded and then creep to the door. I stand with my ear against the cool wood, trying to listen to the conversation outside through the thin walls, but find that Sam has his angry rock music turned up too loud. I take a deep breath and open the door quickly. Remembering Sam and I's lessons, I step out into the middle of the hallway, facing the door to Sam's room, and level my gun with the head of the person in front of me in one fluid movement. Sam had been teaching me how to protect myself whenever he was here, sober, and not being a jerk.

"Bobby?" I ask, lowering my gun to point at his chest as I recognize the hunter that had become like a grandfather to me. "What are you doing here?"
"Alex, go back into your room," Sam growls. I glance at him quickly before looking back at Bobby.
"What's going on out here?"
"Lex." That voice- that sounded like Dad. But- but Dad's dead.

But then, there he is. He appears from behind Bobby, looking tired and upset and dirty- but it's Dad. My God, it's my Dad. It's really him.
"Dad?" I whisper, lowering my gun slowly as I stare at him in shock. A smile begins to spread across his face and tears rise into my eyes. It's my dad.

He takes a step towards me and alarms ring in my ears, causing my training and instincts to kick back in. I take a step back and quickly lift the barrel of the gun up to point at his head, widening my feet into a fighting stance. He freezes and his smile drops. He watches me with wide, pain-filled eyes as he raises his hands slowly.

"Who are you and why do you look like him?" I snarl.
"Alex-" Bobby steps towards me but I cut him off quickly.
"What are you?" I shout, tears dripping down my face. "And why do you look like my dead father? Don't you jerks know that it's cruel to use an orphan's dead parents against her?" I snarl, glaring at the man.

"Alex," Sam moves from the doorway, slowly putting himself between me and the creature and walking towards me, "Stand down. Now."
I flinch at his command, but do as he says and lower the gun. I nod once at him and look to the ground as I put the safety on my gun and place it in Sam's outstretched hand.

"Sam, what's going on?"
"I'm not sure." He replies quietly, studying my face for a moment before turning back to face the men. I look to Bobby, unable to look at the other man, and he gives me a sad look.
"Is that- is it really him?" I whisper to Sam.
"I think so." He replies softly, looking over Bobby's shoulder at the man.
It's Dad? He's back? Did he come back to me?
"How?" I ask.
"No clue." He shrugs. I nod and turn my attention to the man who should be dead.

"Dad? Is it- is it really true? Is it you? Are you- are you real?" I mumble, creeping towards him.
"It's me, baby." He murmurs, crouching down to see me better. I take a few more hesitant steps before I speed up and run into his arms, tears once again streaming down my cheeks.
"Daddy. It's you. You came back to me. You came back." I cry, holding tightly on to his neck and breathing in his familiar scent.
"Of course I did, baby. I could never leave you." He whispers. His arms tighten around me and I can feel a few drops of water splash onto my shoulder. Dad buries his face into my hair and breathes deeply.

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