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(01x01: Pilot)

My eyes slowly flutter open as a cool breeze hits me. "Daddy?" I murmur, turning my face away from the frigidness and the bright street lights outside the car.
"I'm sorry, baby. Just one second and I'll have you outta here and somewhere much warmer." Dad's voice whispers as he quickly tries to unfasten the plastic safety buckles holding me into my seat. He smiles at me, his green eyes shining and I giggle and smile back at him.

"Where are we, Daddy?" I ask as he picks me up and holds me against his warm body.
"We're at a college, Lex. It's called Stanford." He tells me, shielding me from the wind.
"We've got to talk to someone, baby. About grandpa."
"Uncle Sammy?" I whisper excitedly, my chin resting on Dad's shoulder.
"Yeah, my smart little girl, we are going to visit Uncle Sammy." He replies, holding me closer to him as he jumps up and grabs something which makes a loud noise as it slides down. I turn in his arms just as a long ladder appears in front of us.

"Hold on tight." I do as he says, and Dad secures me against him and grabs on to the ladder with the hand that isn't holding me. He pulls us up the bars, and I watch the ground get farther away as we move. I tighten my arms around his neck and look at his hands, watching him pull us up rung by rung until we are at the top. Then Dad climbs a flight of rickety metal stairs before setting me down next to him.

He presses a finger to his lips before shimmying the window in front of us open and crawling inside. He then turns back to me and holds his hands out. I walk forward and grab on to his forearms, allowing him to pull me into the room. Dad sits me down in a soft velvet chair next to him and closes the window behind us. He returns to me and unzips my jacket now that we are in the heated house. He presses his finger once again against his lips, reminding me to be quiet, and I shake my head at him and roll my eyes.

'Stay there,' Dad mouths at me. I nod slowly and he nods back once before slowly walking away. I can hear him walk around in the next room over for a few moments before I hear another set of footsteps appears, and then a bit of crashing and some loud thumps ring through the once silent apartment.

"Daddy?" I whisper. The apartment returns to its silent state, and I wait anxiously for him to return. When he doesn't, I cautiously slide out of my chair and make my way across the dark room. As I walk, I trip over something heavy on the floor and fall right onto something warm and firm.

"Lex?" My dad's voice whispers from under me. "Is that you?"
"Daddy?" I whisper back.
"I thought I told you to stay in that chair?" He responds sternly.
"I thought you needed help. What are you doing on the floor?"

"Alex?" Another voice calls out as I climb off of my Dad's shoulder and step again on the thing that I tripped over previously. It moves gently from under me, causing me to jump back towards my dad.

The light flicks on, and I look quickly over towards the new figure, finding a young blonde girl in a blue T-shirt and practically non-existent shorts standing awkwardly in the doorway.
"Sam?" She murmurs. Upon hearing her speak, I look back in front of me and find my uncle, only looking a tiny bit different than I remember, sitting on the floor in front of me.

"Uncle Sammy?" I ask hesitantly. He smiles at me and nods.
"Hey princess." He responds, opening his arms to me. I run forward- excited to see my uncle- and throw myself into his arms. He wraps them tightly around me and rests his face in my hair. I snuggle into his shoulder and I can hear my dad laugh softly behind us.

Once Sam lets go of me, I turn back to find my dad on his feet, staring appreciatively at the blonde girl, who looks very obviously uncomfortable.
"Daddy," I growl, shooting him a disdainful look. He looks over at me and rolls his eyes.
"Right, Jess. This is my brother, Dean, and his daughter, Alex. Guys, this is my girlfriend, Jessica." Sam introduces us as he stands up.

(ON HOLD) 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐍- 𝐉.𝐊.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon