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My stomach gurgles angrily as I open the refrigerator, only to find it completely desolate. Not a single item is inside. I check the freezer and find it in the same state. Not even a scrap left.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I grumble.
Ever since we got that lead on Jack, we've been researching nonstop. The last time anyone had left the bunker was over a week ago. Dean had been sent out to buy food for the week and returned fifteen minutes later, empty-handed because Cas had called again to give us another dead-end lead.

I sigh and slowly leave the kitchen. As I trudge to the library, my stomach groans loudly, and sharp pain hits. I grimace, but keep going. The last thing I had eaten was a mostly mold-covered slice of apple pie two days ago. I was surprisingly not that bad. I look toward the garage where I know Baby is parked, but shake my head and turn to the library. I'll have to get Dean or Sam to go out because I never learned how to drive. Hell really holds you back developmentally.

"Dean, we're out of food."
Both men are slumped over the table, gazing exhaustedly at their laptops. Neither of them looks up as I enter.
"What do you mean we're out of food?" Dean mumbles.
"I mean, there literally isn't a single edible item in this bunker."
"Didn't you just eat?" Sam asks irritably.
"The last time any of us ate was at least two days ago."

The boys both roll their eyes and share an unamused look. I scoff.
"You can be so damn dramatic, Alex." Dean finally groans, glaring at me. Anger washes over my body, and I can feel weakened whisps of my demonic grace try to rise. I raise my eyebrows and cross my arms over my chest defensively as I stand up straight.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? You've got to be kidding me." I growl.
"No, Alex," Dean snaps, looking pissed, "I'm not fucking kidding. You are overdramatic about everything. You are also incredibly annoying and rude. If you can't tell, Sam and I are a bit busy right now."
I stare at him in shock, jaw dropped. He glares back for a few moments before turning back to his computer.
"You'd think she'd be more grateful, considering everything we've done for her." He mumbles to Sam. Sam gives him a knowing look and both boys return to their work.

Tears well in my eyes at his words.
Is that really what they think of me? Do they seriously think that I'm ungrateful for them and all they've done for me?
I take a deep breath and swallow hard before forcing a stoic look.
"You're right. I'm being incredibly overdramatic right now. I'm so sorry for putting you through all of this trouble." I sneer angrily before turning and stalking out the door.

If the boys aren't going to go out and get food then I will. Driving really can't be that difficult. If Dean figured it out, so can I. I stomp down to my room and slip into a thick sweatshirt before sliding into Dean's room and closing the door softly behind me. I grab his wallet and car keys off of his bedside table and drop them into my sweatshirt pocket.

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