5- News cast and house arrest

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Deku's POV -one week later-

Every week, I call my mother. That's what I just did. I called in to see how she was doing. 

"Hey mom!"

"Izuku! How are you?"

"I'm fine mom. How are you?"

"I'm alright. I just watching the news though. They were saying there were a few murders in your area!"

I flipped on the TV. The news channel was on:

"... 3 more bodies were found dead. All three were found in some sort of dark alleyway. The police and pro heroes are trying their best to figure out who caused these deaths. The 3 found dead were..."

I went back to my mom. "I just saw the report. Ill be fine, mom."

"I hope so! I love you."

"Love you too."

I ended the call. Yep, I've been busy this week. I smile to myself. Soon, the others walk into the break room and watch the report. I look around for Toga/Uraraka, but she's not there. I roll my eyes. She's been sleeping in all week.

"Wow, 3 people dead in one week?" Kirishima says, shaking his head. Yaoyorozu sits on the couch. "Who do you think is responsible for this?"

Iida, who was fresh from training, shrugs. "The League of Villains, maybe?"

As they talk, the rest of the class comes wandering in, either just waking up or from training. I don't pay much attention until Iida starts talking to me.


I look at him. "Yes?"

"Have you seen Uraraka at all?" I shake my head. "She's probably sleeping in again."

It's Iida's turn to shake his head. "She's been sleeping in all week. If she doesn't get it together, she wont make it next semester."

I nod. "Let's get one of the girls to wake her up. We have classes in half an hour." Iida goes over to one of the girls and asks then. Tsu goes up to wake her. Meanwhile, the rest of us start breakfast.

Soon, Toga/Uraraka finally came down. Since she got to U.A., I made her promise to never speak to me when I'm in a big group of people.She sits down and digs in to the pancakes Yaoyorozu created.

Eventually we all got to class. Mr Aizawa was waiting at the front. "Please sit down." When everyone sat down, he started talking again. "Due to recent events, You will students will not be allowed to exit or enter the school without staff accompanying them. The doors and windows will be automatically locked over night and cannot be re-opened without staff cards."

There was murmuring throughout the class. "Is this because of the killings?" Someone asked. Aizawa nodded."These protocols apply until the killer is caught."

"So we're on house arrest?" Kacchan groans. "I have to spent my weekend with these bastards." Aizawa scolds him. "Be quiet Bakugou. Everyone, the gym is now open for training. In a couple hours, we'll have to head to the theatre through an underground route (The theatre is a separate building in case i forgot to mention)."

We all head to the gym.




Second chapter out today. I'm pretty distracted though. It's possible there will be another chapter published today????

Thanks for reading!!

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