16- announcement

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Kirishima's POV

I was busy fighting off the villains when Todoroki came looking fro me.

"Kirishima!" He was sliding on ice.

I hardened my arm and jabbed it into a villain. He just disintegrated. "What is it?"

"I need you to get a gag, sleeping liquid, and a bag."

"Alright." I didn't Hesitate. I've learned that you should trust your friends in times of need. Plus, this would be the manly thing to do. I ran into the school. Earlier, there was some sort of explosion toward the entrance, leaving it destroyed. I quickly made my way and found a closet. Conveniently, It had the things i needed.

I grabbed the cloth and sleeping liquid. I uncapped the bottle, only to nearly pass out because of the scent. I poured some of the liquid onto the cloth and took the bag. Then i ran as a fast as i could to Todoroki.

He was fighting some villains. When he finished off the one he was fighting, i handed the gag to him. I held out the bag, but he shook his head. "I need you to keep the items."

I nodded and pulled my arm back. "What's the plan here?"

"Follow me."

Todoroki and I ran toward the crater. In it, i could see Bakugou fighting... was it Midorya? Bakugou was yelling and Midorya was dodging attacks. 

Todoroki motioned that I stay behind Midorya. I understood the plan now. I watched as Todoroki   Started making his ice path to slide along. He blocks Midorya from attacking Bakugou, as he (Bakugou) was knocked to the ground. The traitor stared at him. He looked like he was readily ignored for Todoroki to attack, but i knew otherwise.


I shoved the gag into Midorya's mouth. He resisted a bit, but stopped when I threw the bag over his head. Instantly, he was unconscious. I looked up. Todoroki was trying to help Bakugou up, but he was refusing.

"Look! Those damn villains are getting away!" He tried going after them, but his spine was badly injured. I could hear the cracking of bone as he moved. 

I looked toward the front gate. The Villains were  retreating. Very unmanly. I looked down at the unconscious Midorya. I felt a pang in my chest. It felt wrong. He led me to believe he was my friend. 

After a few minutes, everyone outside recollected themselves and started helping the wounded.  Recovery Girl was soon on the scene. She took Bakugou to the infirmary. Aizawa-sensei came over to me as i hoisted Midorya onto my back.

"Who's head is in the bag?"

I lowered my gaze a little. "It's Midorya."

His eyes widened a little. "Midorya? He came back?"

"He did, but as a villain, not a hero."

Aizawa-sensei's eyes widened more. I looked to my left. Present Mic was helping a skinny man. He had sunken eyes and was spitting lots of blood. "Who's that man? I've never seen him before today."

He sighed. "I... we'll be holding a school-wide meeting after the cleanup. Spread the word and make sure everyone knows. We have a lot to tell you students..."

All Might's POV

I put on my yellow striped suit and sighed. I couldn't help but think about the kid. Midorya was such a good student! What had happened that changed his mind?

Nezu  poked his furry head through the door. "The students are already seated in the auditorium. Are you coming?"

I nodded. "It was about time I Showed them my true form, anyway."

We both made our way to the crowded auditorium. The teachers were seated at the stage. Finally, when everyone was ready, we started the meeting.

"I'm sure you're all spooked by the events of today." Hizashi (Present Mic) said. "And we'd like to talk to you guys about a couple things." Hizashi cleared his throat. "I guess you don't know who the guy in yellow is. Well, It's none other than- Drumroll, please- ALL MIGHT!"

The entire auditorium gasped and erupted into chaos. Then a kid called something to the stage: "Prove it!"

The other teachers were calming the students down, but they didn't have to. Apparently, they all wanted proof that i was the #1 hero. The students looked up at  me, and i knew that i had to give them answers. I sighed. Suddenly, the stage filled with smoke. I could feel my arms and legs bulge with muscle. When the smoke cleared, the students started yelling again. 

"No way!"

"That guy's All Might?!"

Present Mic shouted into the microphone. The yelling died down. "There are other things we need to discuss." Says Aizawa. "As you know and experienced, a couple villains from the League of Villains came and attacked the school. Turns out, there were three of them instead of two. One goes by the name of Dabi. We think the other calls himself Twice."

There was whispering. "Who was the third villain?" Someone asked. 

Aizawa looks grim. "The third villain was one of our top preforming students who we through was kidnapped. Izuku Midorya."

Narrator's POV

(I'm gonna use their full names here)

The students of 1-A gasped. 

"Him? No way!" Mina Ashido said. A few others shook their heads. Denki Kaminari's memories seemed to come back from when he was knocked unconscious. He remembered an outline of the one who knocked him out. He could confirm Izuku was now a villain.

Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima, and Tenya Iida all knew. They were the ones who captured Izuku, anyway.

Almost as it reading their minds, Aizawa sensei started speaking again: "Three of our students had captured the boy. We will interrogate him further. For now, all of you need to go back to the dorms until further notice."

The students filed out the auditorium. Only the 3 remained in the room. They looked at each other and marched toward the stage. The teachers were about to interrogate Izuku.

"Aizawa sensei! May we have a word?" Iida asks. Aizawa stops walking and stares at them. 

"What is it?"

"We think we should join you'r interrogation. We captured Midorya, after all."

Aizawa considered what he had just said. The he sighed. "Fine. Just stay clear of Midorya. He's still a threat."

The three nodded and made their way to a room in the back.





I finally wrote the next chapter (yay). I hope you enjoy! I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this (not really. You understand what I mean, tho, right?)

This chapter was a little longer than then the other chapters (word count was 1089). It took a lot longer that expected though. If any characters sound out of character (which there are a few) It's because i get distracted easily.

Anyway, hope to publish the next chapter soon! I'm really looking forward to it.

(Also, if you see any grammar mistakes, just message me!)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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