12- Security footage

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Todoroki's POV

"Here." I had just come back from the security room. Iida and Kirishima were outside the library (does the school have a library????). "Already?" Kirishima asks. I nod. 

"How did you get it?" Iida asks. "Trade Secret." I hold up a data carrier. "I did use this though."

Iida grumbles at the lack of information, but soon enough, we're heading down to Kirishima's dorm. When we get there, He logs onto his computer (he asked for one). I hand him the dat carrier and he plugs it in. Immediately, a link pops up. He clicks on it and the security feed starts to play through.

The halls shown are empty of a few hours. Suddenly, the kitchen light gets turned on. Of course, it was Kaminari. Then he went off screen. We couldn't really see the whole kitchen, but we guessed he was raiding the fridge.

Suddenly, there was movement in another camera. There were a couple shadows moving around. They looked like they were avoiding the cameras. As they moved, i realized they were heading to where Kaminari was pigging out. When they reached the kitchen, they both stopped. Then one of them walked right into the kitchen, though still out of view. 

"Is there audio?" I ask. Kirishima turns up the volume. "... forget we were here, alright?" Suddenly, we heard a loud bang. At that same time, Kaminari's unconscious body fell to the floor. As the three of us watched, we saw the two figures drag him off screen to where we only guessed was the closet they hid him in. They made sure to avoid the camera, but i could still see some curly hair. 

"It was Midorya." I say

"Midorya did it?" Kirishima said in disbelief. "Why would he do that?"

"I see where Shoto came to this conclusion. Midorya went Missing right after this footage. He was also careless to use his voice. And see? The second figure is probably Uraraka. You can see them both walking back through the kitchen, toward Aizawa sensei's room. He said his key went missing this morning. That's how they got out."

We all tried to process what was happening. Was Midorya working for the League Of Villains?

"Well, this means we have a new, very powerful enemy."




I'm back! 

I'm so sorry this was short and really terrible!!! I've been trying to write this for a week now, but i had no luck until i just sat down and started writing. I've been trying to figure out how Todoroki gets the footage, but i've Had no luck!!

Also, I have no idea how data carriers work, so if you DO know, please message me so i can edit!!

(BTW i check my notifications every day, and within a week i have over 600 views??? I love ya'll, thanks so much for reading!!!)

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