14- Level 3 breach

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(Quick note: Dabi is Toya Todoroki in this story)

Todoroki's POV

We were eating lunch in the cafe. Iida, Kirishima and I didn't know whether or not we should tell anyone about what we discovered. Was Midoriya really a villain now?

As I spoon some soba into my mouth, there was an announcement over the speakers.

"Security breach level 3 in the font gate!"

Everyone in the cafe stood up and started walking toward the exits. "It better not be those damned news reporters again." Someone said, but I had a feeling that it was something bigger.

When I got close enough to the windows, I could see two people standing outside. One was covered in a grey and black suit. The other was using a fie quirk. He looked familiar on a personal level, but i couldn't quite place i who he was. 

I don't think anyone else really cared, though, because they were still pushing to get outside. Soon enough, everyone was in the courtyard. All the teachers were outside as well.When the students and teachers realized what was going on, it was too late to go back inside. The first man had multiplied himself enough times to surround everyone.

"So this is U.A. High," The second man said as he walked toward the group. He lit his hand on fire and stopped in front of the students. Some started to cry. "I thought you guys were teaching sidekicks, not running a daycare."

He was getting close to where I was standing. The man looked so familiar. And his quirk reminded me of someone...

There was then a huge explosion from somewhere in the group. Some of the students were pushed back. My guess is that Bakugou had had enough and wanted to take matters into his own hands.

The blast left a pretty big crater, and some of the students fell in. Bakugo was at the center of it.

"Look here, you bastard!" Bakugou said. He jumped out of the crater using his quirk. He was about to punch the man when the man stepped out of the way. Bakugou landed and tried again.  The man lit his hand on fire- blue fire- and attempted a punch at Bakugou, but he dodged it.

I ran to where Bakugou was fighting the man off. 

"You got a friend, huh?" The man smiled. He had stitches all over his face. As i watched his face, his smile Widened. Then it hit me.


Bakugou turned to me. "You know this bastard?" 

I didn't say anything. Toru tried an attack again, but he was a little unfocused. I pushed him back with ice. 

When he recovered, he came at me with his body lit on fire, a crazy smile playing on his face. "Glad to see you recognize me, Shōto."

Bakugou blasted him away, but that only delayed him. As i look around the trashed courtyard, I realize the other students were fighting. Unfortunately, All Might was nowhere to be seen. The only one not fighting were those injured or a scrawny man spitting blood. (Forgot to mention this is before the battle with All For One)

Suddenly, there was another explosion, way bigger than Bakugou's. Dirt flew everywhere, creating a dust cloud. I could hear the others coughing. Then I saw a figure moving toward the scrawny man mentioned before. 

The figure seemed to be having a conversation with the man. I walked closer.

"... Guess what? I'm more powerful than ever." 

I recognized that voice. It was Midoriya's.




I finally finished that. I'm sorry if things We're a little short and vague. For some reason, Todoroki's POV is driving me crazy. What'd you think?

Anyways, thanks for keeping up with the story! Much appreciated :)

(By the way, anyone see the trailer for season 4???)

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