15- Captured

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Iida's POV

Bakugou's unauthorized usage of his quirk created a giant distraction. I tried getting the rest of the students' attention, but there was too much chaos. That was understandable, as there were villains attacking the school.

I wanted to be helpful, so i attacked the villain in the mask. He was multiplying himself and surrounding a group of students huddles together. I ran toward the nearest duplicate, hoping to land an attack, but it just dissolved (please not that I have no idea how Twice's quirk works, so bear with me). 

I tried another attack on another duplicate, but the same think happened. I came to realize that to destroy the duplicates, i had to destroy the original. I scanned the area. There was a few more duplicates around the area. Before i could pinpoint the real one, I was distracted by what was going on in the creator Bakugou had initially made. 

Bakugou and Todoroki were attacking another villain. He was using a fire quirk. I could tell it was an upgrade from Todoroki's left side, as the fire was blue, indicating that it was hotter than usual.

I quickly turned my focus back to my target: The original of the duplicates. I noticed that all the duplicates were attacking a group of students except one. I decided that he was the original. The villain was attempting to hide behind one of the trees in the former courtyard.

I ran toward the tree and managed to solidly punch the man's chest. He doubled over, gasping for breath. I was ready to attack him again when some sort of power wave came from the direction of the school entrance. The villain and I were pushed back. Dust and smoke filled the air. I coughed and tried to see what caused the force. All I could see was a mess of green, curly hair. It didn't take long to realize who the head of hair belonged to.

Midorya, I thought. So it's true. He's the traitor.

Deku's POV

I used a kick through the school's doors to send a massive power wave toward the courtyard, hopefully delaying those trying to fight against the League. 

I make my way through the now destroyed courtyard. I can see a creator near the center of it. So that must be what the explosion before was. I look around the inside if the creator. It was pretty big. I wondered how Kacchan had made it that wide. I could see Dabi fighting Todoroki and Bakugou off to the side. I look some more. In the center of the creator was a skinny man. Perfect.

I slide down the side of the creator and approach All Might. His eyes widen and he spits blood.

"K-kid! It's you! We all thought you were-"

"Kidnapped? No, I left by choice."

He spit blood again. "Choice? Where did you go? Why are you... why are you dressed in your play costume?"

I sighed. "Look, I'm not here to chat, but I do want to thank you." I walk slowly toward the scrawny man. He staggered back. "Remember when you said that i couldn't be a hero? Well, i thank you for that, or i wouldn't have become what I am now!"

"W-wait, kid. You're not on the villain side, are you?" 

I activate One for All and walk faster. "I also want to thank you for the quirk." All Might stumbles and falls back. I get closer and aim for his weak spot. "Guess what? I'm more powerful than ever." I come in for a punch, but an ice wall comes out of nowhere. I end up creating a note in the wall instead.

I look up and Identify the source. Todoroki was skiing on the ice he created.  Shit.

He attacks me again, but i dodge his ice. Suddenly, I get pushed forward by a hot blast of air. I was an explosion.


I turn around and find an angry Kacchan. He comes at me with his signature right-hook, but i dodge and kick his spine. I can hear a slight crack and he falls to the ground. God, it felt so good to finally use my quirk and hurt him. 

I take in a breath of smoky air and attempt at killing Kacchan, but I'm stopped by another wall of ice. I keep my eyes on Todoroki as he comes closer. He looks like he's ready to attack, but instead: "Now!"

Suddenly, I'm gagged and a bag get's thrown on my head. I start to get drowsy, but I try to fight it off. The last thing i see before I close my eyes are Twice and Dabi retreating.

Then everything goes black.




FINALLY. That chapter took about forever. 

So what do you think happened?? You'll find out in the next chapter!! 

Also, i just really wanted to thank you guys even more for reading!!!! I've gotten over 400 reads these past few days, and i'm Feeling really good bout myself. 

Quick story: So, my brother doesn't know about my Wattpad account. I ask him: What if i told you that i had a secret account where i write fan fiction and I had 12 followers and over 1.8k reads??? My brother: Even of you did, you're not that popular.

I give my thanks to my 12 followers!!! I know it doesn't sound like much, but you guys make me feel good about myself. I really appreciate you guys!!!

Anyway, until next time, PLUS ULTRAA :3

(Just like last chapter, I have no idea what tone i'm Going for)

A Fake (Evil Deku)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora