Preface 002

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Princess Ameliá of Illéa

September 6th, 1997

I stepped into William's room and frowned when I saw him laying on his bed.

"Honey?" I called out before I saw his head pop up.

"Amelia. What are you doing here?" I heard his voice crack and my heart broke.

"You have to get ready. Everyone is leaving soon for the burial." I whispered and William shook his head.

"I can't do it no more Amy. I can't stand in front of camera's and people I don't know and not cry over my mother." He said as he stood up.

"No one but family will be there. Grieve all you want. I did as did my parents." I began as I stepped towards him.

"I will be there every single step of the way. I will hold your hand and I will protect you from everyone. Anna, Carlos, Chris, and Rosie will do that for you and for Harry. Say the word." I said and I watched as his blue eyes found mine.

"Okay. Can you help me with my tie?" He asked and I nodded as I quickly did a Windsor knot and handed him his jacket.

"Is this how you felt burying your grandfather?" He asked as we stepped out of his room and found my siblings and Harry standing there.

"Yes, but our parents didn't tell us to hide our emotions," Anna said as she stood first and we all began making our way downstairs.

When Charles went to say something to Henry, Carlos stood protectively in front of him.

"He wants to grieve." Was all Carlos said as we stepped out to the Spencer Family Cemetary. I watched as guards began to bring the casket forward and I felt someone reaching for my hand.

I looked down and saw William holding my hand. I smiled softly at him before I wrapped my hand around his and gave him a tight squeeze.

Once the casket was laid down the Archbishop stepped forward and did the sign of the cross.

"Amy," William whispered and I gave his hand a squeeze.

"I am right here. I'm not going anywhere." I said as the casket began to lower.

"And so we say goodbye to Diana, Princess of Wales. May God have given her rest and eternal peace." The Archbishop said as I watched as her two sisters stepped forward and placed white roses on the casket.

William squeezed my hand and I turned to see tears falling down his face.

"Will," I began before I wrapped my arms around his and hugged him softly. When I looked back I saw the casket in the ground and Harry rushed away with the twins following him.

I watched as Charles went to go to Harry but my mother held her hand up.

"Sie müssen trauern!" (They must grieve.) Momma said and I pulled away from William and wiped his tears away.

"Hey, I heard the maids made some hot chocolate. Why don't we go get a mug?" Anna offered as she smiled at me. Already like a future Queen trying to keep it together at the funeral of her godmother.

"I need a moment," William said and I nodded.

"And you can have all the time you need. I won't leave you alone." I said as I wiped the tears from my face.

As everyone began to go towards the house William stepped towards the casket. I stood back with Anna who sighed.

"Du magst ihn, nicht wahr?" ( You like him, don't you?)

"Dies ist nicht die Zeit, Anna. Seine Mutter ist tot." (This is not the time, Anna. His mother is dead.)

"Sei zuerst seine Freundin Amelia. Dann ziehen Sie von dort aus." (Be his friend first Amelia. And then move from there) Anna said before she did the sign of the cross, bowed her head, and walked towards the house.

I stood in my spot and watched William as his eyes were closed as his lips moved in silent prayer. I felt someone near me and I looked to see Papa there.

"The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want." He said and I took a deep breathe as I held onto my clutch.

"He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul." I added and Poppa nodded.

"Diana sent us that prayer when Anna was born. She was amazing friends with your mother. Your mother helped her and Charles meet." Poppa said and I smiled.

"He grieves her and Charles does not like it," I said as William turned around and smiled at me.

"I know. For now, be there for them so they don't go down the wrong path."

"Wie?" (How?)

"Als Amelia ist das so." (By being Amelia, that is how) Poppa said as he kissed my forehead and mobed towards the house. I watched as William walked towards me and smiled.

"Do you feel any better?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes, I needed that." He said and I nodded as I turned and began walking to the house. Will rushed to follow me before he laced his fingers with mine.

"Aunt Sarah makes amazing bake chicken. I hope she made some." He said and I rolled my eyes as I held his hand as we walked inside.

"Hopefully the food is good. I didn't have breakfast and I am starving."

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