79 | Adam Banks

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Adam when you and the Ducks surprise him with the team getting back together after summer break:


"Between his legs, he scores!" Adam yells, throwing his hands up in the air.

He turned around at the sound a Charlie blowing a duck whistle Bombay game him.

"Hey cake eater, you wanna play some real hockey?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah, come on Banks!" the team encouraged.

"Yeah!" he said with a grin.

"It feels good to have everyone back together." you stated, mostly to Adam as you skated beside him.

"Yeah, it's been a while, I've missed you." he said, his eyes widening for a moment before adding, "I mean everyone. I've uh, I missed everyone."

"Yeah, me too." you smiled, your cheeks reddening as his hand brushed against yours a few times, leading you to believe it was intentional.

"Hurry up love birds!" Averman called back.

"Yeah, you guys are falling behind!" Goldberg added.

"Oh, leave them alone." Connie rolled her eyes before whispering to Guy, "You owe me $10 by the way. I called it."

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