41 | Dean Portman

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Dean and Fulton's reaction when you finally agreed we to go on a date with Dean:


You had snuck out of your dorm room passed curfew to go for a walk and clear your head: your upcoming game against Iceland had been keeping you from resting well.

"y/n!" someone called out, resulting in a slight panic to wash over you in fear of the consequences of being caught.

Turning to face the source of the voice, your panicked expression turned into one of annoyance as your eyes met the 'bash brothers' - Fulton Reed and Dean Portman.

You and Dean hadn't gotten on very well since your meeting when he joined the team, as he continuously annoyed you taking pleasure in getting a rise from you and additional driving a wedge between you and Fulton, your once best friend before his bash brother entered the picture.

"Well well well, what have we got here?" Dean smirked as he and Fulton stood before you.

"What do you want, Portman?"

"I wanna know what a beautiful girl like you is doing all by her lonesome."

"Non of your business." you said with an eye roll as you began walking away.

You heard him whisper something to Fulton before he came to walk beside you, Fulton behind us.

"What do you say me and you go grab an ice cream?" he said, placing an arm around your shoulder.

"Not even in your wildest dreams, Portman." you said with a scoff, pushing his arm off your shoulder.

"You know, I could alway tell Coach that you were out past curfew." he spoke with a smirk.

You rolled your eyes at his ignorance. "Go ahead and tell him. You'll get in just as much trouble as me for being out. Besides, trying to ask me out by black mailing me isn't the way to impress me or any girl for that matter."

"Come on, y/n. What's the harm in just getting ice cream with me?"

"What's in it for me?"

"You'll get to know me."


"You'll get free ice cream. And I'll even lay off making fun of Avermen for a little while."

That was an offer you were considering taking.



"Let's go get ice cream."


You began walking away as you spoke over your shoulder, "Hurry up before I change my mind."

You heard Fulton and Dean cheer, a smile tugging on your lips knowing the two were bumping fists.

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