09 | Chris Chambers

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Chris when you tell the boys you'd date Gordie in a game of truth or dare:


"If you could date anyone of us, who would it be?" Teddy questioned with a mischievous grin.

"Teddy, I picked dare."

"Fine. I dare you to tell us which one of us you'd date." Teddy pressed.

"Come on, Teddy. Leave her alone," Chris chimed in heroically before before adding with a sly smirk, "Besides, we all know it would be me."

The boys laughed as you sent a glare towards the boy whose name you were originally going to speak, to which he merely sent you a sneaky wink.

"Gordie." you state simply, the boys instantly becoming quiet and earning your attention.

"What?" Gordie questions, closing his comic.

Keeping your eyes on Chris, you smirked and spoke, "I'd date Gordie."

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