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"Father!" Eugene ran and went to Harold, its been a month after the first visit of the Tanagura Blondies at the region's Jupiter's Tower, some things are needed to be done by Harold from his lab to be able to have a longer time for Eugene. In which two days before his flight for Amoi, it was advised by Jupiter to welcome him by Tanagura Blondies and the Regions as well, attendance should be complete, no excuses, and then he will be one of the first to use the spaceport of Regina in commercial flights, which was finish two weeks before his flight and fully operational last week.

"How's my baby!" And she kissed him in his cheeks, Harold then hugs her so tight, and kissed her forehead

"You're baby is so big now" His assistant said and laughs, he is currently working for the naturalist as their biochemist doing some anti vaccines, medicines as well, and from Philip he said he have a big pharmaceutical company on the planet Ersmeria, a copy of planet earth that resembles the Mars as well.

"Why do every time he did that on her father I get so irritated!" Gerald Vine said and very jealous tone

"Son in law I'm her father, can't you stop being jealous to the father of your wife?" Harold said, the last time they meant was three decades ago Gerald was so mad at him he tried to sabotages his hover car for him not to come in his own daughter's wedding! Good thing Timothy have the guts to give him a lift, since Riki is with the bride.

"Eugene stop being clingy! It's should be only to me!" Gerald greeted his teeth, the Onyx couldn't believe he didn't like the little Eugene to call him uncle, for she should call him with the respect as Lord Vine, and he was mad at her when it happens. Then one day Eugene called him honey. It felt so good but her father said she should stop that endearment, since that day he hated Harold that much! Yeah a petty thing.

"My baby took twenty years to be born, so she practically knew where she belongs" smiles bright to Gerald, and now Iason is furious, upon Riki was called by Eugene she took a family photo not just a family photo she and Harold kissed both of his cheeks! The latter off course is so shock and talk some things to Harold. He wanted to whip the woman! Yet he hold on his anger for Jupiter will disown him!

"What a happy family" Orphe said as they are in Riki's manor, Jupiter ordered them to wait and welcome Harold before they leave! Now what? should they rub their elbows with him?!

"Iason long time no see." Harold

"We are not yet done." Upon Iason said it Grace shouted and came with her huge sword!

"YOU AIN'T GONNA BE WELCOMED BY ME!" With that she tried to slash him yet Riki ordered his shadow to make a shield, it was the first time it happened then Harold went outside the shield.

"ARE YOU MAD?! ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO HURT HIS SHADOW?!" Harold said, yet they sympathize to Grace they all wanted to do that.

"He went there!" Grace

"HE IS OVULATING!" Then touches Riki's shadow and holds one of the fibers, and they got interested, ovulating means his getting ready to be fertile and be pregnant, Iason was the most interested.

"Hey!" Riki frustrated and blushed upon he took a part of the shadow.

"They said the three of you smashed, cut and hit him?! The naturalist I'm working are all mad, he isn't to be hurt by the moment, and even after!" As he pointed the tips "look it's reddish black it means his going to bud! And it's going to be fragrant and blossom next year!"

"Yeah! So you could try to get him pregnant again?!" Grace said as she took one and tried to hit him with it!

"Your exploiting him! You do well know his sensitive right now! Touching it at this time will make him uncomfortable!" As he caressing the shadow his holding Riki Gasp, and the blondies are now curious and tempted to do it too.

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