9 - You're Pretty

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"Let's go somewhere."

Jorge's eyebrows lifted in surprise when he heard Benji's proposition. The pair had just finished off their breakfast for the morning and had helped Gracie clean off the tables before other customers came in. 

"It's Tuesday, Benji."

Benji scoffed. "Yeah, so?"

"It's Tuesday. We have class. You know, high school? The thing we're supposed to attend?" Jorge explained it slowly, as if Benji was losing his mind.

Quite clearly, he was, because the older began to laugh at Jorge's confusion.

"Have you never skipped school before?" Benji chuckled, tucking his wallet and phone in his pockets as he slid out of the booth. He shook his head and held his finger up to contradict himself before Jorge could. "Of course not. You seem to be the type to live an uneventful life - don't worry, it'll be fun. Take a mental health day and have some fun with me."

Jorge shook his head, slightly offended that Benji thought his life was uneventful. His life wasn't uneventful, it was just... just... yeah, it was uneventful. Still, it didn't change his answer.

"No way. Not gonna happen," Jorge said, wagging a finger at the older boy as he stayed seated in his spot at the booth. Jorge's eyes grew wide as Benji began to move towards him, a sparkle of mischief in his eyes as he grew closer. "Seriously, Benji... no way, not happening, ever!"


"I cannot believe you got me to do this," Jorge mumbled, crossing his arms cutely across his chest as he pouted in Benji's passenger seat. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

"Relax," Benji smiled, reaching out with one of his hands to ruffle Jorge's soft hair. "You're too tight."

"Where are we going, anyways?"

"It's a surprise."


"Let me surprise you, Jeyjey."

Jorge blushed and nodded.

To make up for the short drive, Benji allowed Jorge to mess around with his radio, repeatedly switching from station to station to try and find the perfect song. Finally, they settled on Lorde's single, "Buzzcut Season." The boys relaxed to the music until they drove up to a large gate lined with do not trespass signs.

"Do not tell me we're going in there," Jorge whispered loudly, eyes wide as he turned to Benji.

"I come here almost every weekend, and it's literally never guarded. Don't worry about it," Benji reassured, quickly opening his door and hopping out. He went around his car and leaned through Jorge's open window to where the small boy sat, unconvinced and unmoving.

"I'm not trespassing! You shouldn't either. That's a crime, dumbass!"

Benji's voice seemed to lower in an oddly seductive way as he grew closer. "You shouldn't curse, Jey. It doesn't suit you." Jorge's face heated up as he gulped, his head unconsciously moving backwards as Benji's moved forward.

"Y-yeah... w-well... don't tell me what to do!"

Benji shrugged, a playful grin tugging at his lips as he suddenly moved back from their close proximity. "Ok. You can stay here while I go by myself. You should know, though, that this parking lot is pretty sketchy. Just thought you should know, because, it'd be a lot safer if you were with someone."

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