Chapter 12 - The Red Hoodie

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[ Thank you for 2K, holy shit I can't thank you guys enough, y'all are the best! ]

The bright, yellow, sun shone across sleepy peak, signifying that a new day had started. The door of the counselor's cabin creaked open as Gwen walked through it, her trusty co counselor dragging himself behind her. Last night was a handful, he threw up because of a child, but after resting, he felt less weak. It was cute that Max had left his teddy bear next to him, a sloppy pink bow tie wrapped around it with a 'get well soon =)' note stuck on it's face, not to forget the water bottle next to it that also had a note with a much different writing style than the other sticky note that said 'Drink water Mr. Drool ;)' . No doubt that Nikki wrote that for him. He still wondered why she wrote 'Mr. Drool' on the note. Little shit would be dead if he took photos of him drooling.

"Hey Gwen, why'd you let the two mistakes sleep in late in the cabin, on my bed?" David asked, shooting a glare at Gwen, "Aw c'mon David, let them rest. After all, the little 'mistakes' took care of your unconscious drooling self." She snapped back smugly, nudging him gently as he tensed up in embarrassment, "I'm just joking! Don't be so hard on yourself!" David chuckled nervously as he changed the subject in desperation, "Let's wake up the campers!" He exclaimed, snatching the megaphone from the woman's grip, walking towards the tents afterwards. The violet eyed woman laughed quietly as she shook her head, David would always find a way to entertain her, even if he didn't mean to. It was kinda of cute.


The distant yelling of a certain co counselor was heard in the distance, which interrupted a certain young female camper's slumber as she jolted upwards in surprise. Nikki looked around, scanning the environment to ensure she was safe. Which she was.

Her friend's quiet snores were heard to her right, just to see him sprawled out on the side of the large bed, probably on the verge of hitting the ground at any second. His face seemed to have a relaxed expression, maybe even a small smile. She also realized that her hoodie had been taken off and was folded neatly on a nearby desk, her yellow camp uniform visible to the naked eye.

Nikki then hopped off the bed and walked towards the desk that had the folded red hoodie and took it. The hoodie now on her hands, she looked at it sadly, memories flooding in of the time when she first used the hoodie. She remembered the memory vividly, it was the end of all the bullying that she'd gone through. It was like a key to peace and harmony, but not for her. For her, It felt like a small prison, more specifically, something that just made her blend in the crowd.

The young girl sighed and tied the crimson hoodie around her waist and walked out of the cabin quietly, carefully closing the door so it wouldn't squeak afterwards. She wanted to be alone, she wanted some space to think.

The bushes shook slightly as Nikki walked through it, she never liked nature, it was kind of disgusting and pretty stupid in her opinion. Yes, it could be beautiful at some times, but fuck Mother Nature, she'd rather die than spend a day in the woods. Her thoughts were cut off as she took a final step out of the bushes, a wide circular clearing surrounded by tall stands of—what looked like—pine trees. A small apple tree which grew healthily, ignoring the smaller house above it which was probably attached to it by now.

Nikki ran towards the apple tree, slightly enjoying the scenery. The area could have an exception since it's actually pretty in her opinion. She smiled as she climbed up the ladder carefully, in fear that it'll break considering how old it looked. The young girl was presented with a small room that she had previously been in a day ago. The place was old, but it was welcoming.

- Overall -Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon