Chapter 7

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Jayden's pov:
Annie and i are sitting in the backseat, waiting for my slow ass cousin to get in the car. if you can't tell, i'm in a mood. i tried to kiss Annie but she walked in.
i don't even know why i did, i guess it was one of those in the moment things.
we were just sitting there, not saying anything. her mind was preoccupied so she couldn't tell that i was staring at her.
at least i think not.
she had turned and looked at me. her eyes searched mine in wonder.
it was as if i had forgotten myself completely.
in that moment all i knew was her.
i leaned in to kiss her when Monica's annoying ass busted in the room. i love her for taking me in because they didn't want me, but God i hate her sometimes.
i felt my phone buzz in my back pocket. i pulled it out to see a text from Annie.
"are you okay?"
"yeah, just a little out of it."
"can we play icebreakers again?"
"sure, you go first."
i prayed to myself that Annie wasn't about to ask the question that i felt she was gonna ask.
but she did.
"why'd you try to kiss me?"
"no smart ass or ignorant answers. i really wanna talk about this."
"it felt right. that's my answer. my turn now."
a smile appeared on annie's face before she responded.
"if i were to kiss you right now would you kiss back?"
as soon as annie read that she pressed the power button on the side of her phone and placed it on her knee. she took a dee inhale and released as her face turned red. the she carefully lifted her phone back up and took what felt like forever to respond with
"i don't know, you'd have to kiss me if you really want to find out."
i slightly smiled as i rolled my eyes. i should've known she'd respond with some weird shit like that. i looked at her as she looked at me. i stared into her eyes was we both held into each others eyes. after a few seconds we both burst into a synchronized laugh.
i haven't heard her laugh since we were like 8.
it still sounds the same. it's angelic, just how it used to be.
once we finished laughing i looked at her and said "are you being for real?"
she nodded her head yes as soon as i said asked.
"okay." i whispered with a permanent smile that her laughter alone, plastered on to my face.
my phone buzzed.
"do it."

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