Chapter 10

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Annie's pov:
Jayden and i sat down on her bed. i tried to take in every inch of her room. i pick up on details easily so it really wasn't that hard.
she had posters on her walls, mainly of Hayley Kiyoko, Ariana Grande and Girl in Red.
she had a huge book shelf with numerous books filling them. she's such a nerd on the dl.
she had pictures on her dresser. one that stood out to me the most was a picture of a little girl that resembled Jayden. she looked like she was eight.
i turned my head to look at Jayden who was staring at awe maybe...? that's what it looked like. when my eyes fell into hers, she shook her head, looked down at her hands and then back at me before saying
"i wear glasses by the way so... don't make fun of me when i put them on."
then she stood up and walked over to her desk, where her glasses were. she put them on and then looked back at me and flatly smiled. her face was turning red in embarrassment.
i cocked my head to the side to get a better look at her.
"i know, i look stupid." Jayden let out in a defeated voice. i giggled at how frustrated she sounded and pulled out my phone.
"i think you look cute in them. when did you get them."
"last year."
i gasped when i read her reply.
"i've literally never seen the on you."
"that's because i don't wear them at school. i look like a dumbass."
"glasses make you look smarter, not like a dumbass, dumbass."
"don't call me a dumbass. i just think i look ugly in them."
i looked up at Jayden. she looked genuinely unhappy while wearing them. seeing her face upset me.
i don't get how she doesn't like her glasses, they make her look a way....?
"don't get upset over something you can't control, you're eyes may not be 20/20 but they're perfect, just like every other part of you. including your glasses. i think your glasses make you look better, i'd legit pay you to wear them everyday."
Jayden looked at me and smiled after reading my text. we locked eyes and stared at each other like the non-stop smiling idiots we were in that moment. then she let out the most angel like laugh, which made my heart melt.
my God, she's perfect.
literally just her smile alone makes me feel warm inside. her laugh is insanely beautiful.
every part of her is making me fall for her so quickly and all at once...
this is all happening too quick. i don't wanna catch feelings for her for her not to feel the same. even though that's kind of exactly what i did.
if i'm gonna fall for her i just wanna fall for her. i don't wanna fall in love with the feeling of being loved. i've done that before. that ended in  bruises and me being entirely broken. he left feeling all the same, completely numb but in the most excruciating pain to feel. this can't be the same way with her. i won't let her hurt me. i taught myself to stand firm with a guarded heart with steal and titanium walls but Jayden acts as if those walls have nothing on her.
which they don't.
i'm not gonna lie to you or myself, if she'd ask me to i'd give her every part of me.
that's why this is so scary for me.

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