Pt. 40: Twenty Questions

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A/N: ugh when will I ever learn how to write a shorter chapter? Must I always make them over 3k words? Do I really need to? I know y'all love dat content, but jeez, apparently so do I.


Sitting on the opposite side of the counter, Loki waited patiently for his hot chocolate. He hovered, as per usual, but without making the effort of sneaking around. Luna knew he would be there. He didn't mind.

"It's slated to rain soon," Luna said, her back still facing him. "Thunder and lightning, too. The streets might freeze overnight." Loki hummed in acknowledgment. "Do we have everything we need?"

"Last I checked," he mumbled through his folded hands.

"Good." Luna turned around, holding a mug in each hand. Loki took the one she handed him, and he raised it in salutations. She copied him and took a sip. She grimaced. Way too hot. As she rounded the counter to sit next to Loki, a flash of light outside the closed window blinds caught her eye. "There she blows," she mumbled.

Not ten seconds later, a rumble of thunder touched down. Loki's ears perked and his head whipped around on reflex. He caught himself, but it was too late. Luna knew what was ailing him without him saying anything.

She lay a sympathetic hand on the back of his shoulder. "How about some music, hm? I have just the thing." Abandoning her still-steaming hot chocolate, she got up and sifted through her CD collection. She found the one her heart desired and popped it into the disc drawer. She skipped a track and pressed play, gracing the air with a soothing guitar melody. "You recognize this one?" Luna asked.

Loki shook his head. "Don't think so."

"It's called 'The Rain Song.'" On cue, drops of rain pelted the window from outside. The pair smiled, finding wit in Mother Nature. "Fun fact: even though this album is called 'Houses of the Holy,' the namesake song is not on this album. It is, in fact, on," Luna pulled another CD from the shelf and approached Loki, "this one; 'Physical Graffiti.'" He took it from her and admired the cover art.

He laughed breathily. "Tricksters, were they?"

"Maybe. 'Houses of the Holy' is the older of the two, but still. Why name a song after an album you already released? Eh, it doesn't matter. They both have stellar tracks." She put down the CD cases and picked up her mug. "Come. Sit with me."

She walked to the couch and sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the window. Loki brought his hot chocolate and accompanied her, though he didn't know what was so exciting about the rain. He stole a glance and felt like asking, but the look in her eyes silenced him.

Luna was calm and content. She found favor in the storm, and Loki knew he didn't need to understand why. He did, though, understand why she picked the song. It set the mood and atmosphere ideally well. He made a mental note to listen to it to again if he was ever caught alone in the apartment with the weather brewing outside.

Shuffling in his spot and accidentally brushing his knee against Luna's, Loki looked over his shoulder at the space under the couch where he'd hidden the vinyl record. It was the only safe place for it to sit undetected until he deemed the moment right to gift it. But he hadn't thought far enough to know when the right moment was or what it felt like. He figured he would go with the flow, but he was getting impatient. Each second passed up was a second stolen from him seeing her eyes light up with surprise and, hopefully, gratitude. He'd go so far as to wish for her to look at him with happiness.

Sooner than he wished, the song ended, and he was nearly done with his beverage. Luna had guzzled hers down as soon as it had cooled down enough. She wasted no time in enjoying it.

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