ooa shit rn

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My neighbors are dead as f****** like they said they kids outside and 7 is 855 right now now mind you I left my window open and I got my fan on cuz it's been hot as f*** all day now these kids have been outside like I said since 7 is 856 now La let me tell you is hot as f*** and for the last hour I've been hearing nothing but squeaking and moaning and grunting and like macaroni noises like stirring macaroni and cheese that's what I hear right now and all of a sudden it was like this big gush of wind that brought this strong scent in my room and you know how people are like why does it smell like sex in here or why do I smell sex or you know something like that and so I really like understand what they mean by that cuz I really smell that s*** s*** stinks bro it smells like somebody ain't washing ass

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