Love at a young age.

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Huey's POV

The night before

I was laying in bed, it was Friday night, 11:00 P.M. I was gonna tell Jazmine that I like her but the thoughts of her rejecting me were slowly killing me. It was stopping me from sleeping and I've never been nervous before so it was sucked 10 times more. I rolled around in bed all night, not getting any sorts of sleep.

The next morning 

I left bed at 5 in the morning, Riley and Grandad didn't get up 'till 7:00 A.M. I poured myself some cereal and sat at the dining table. When I was done I watched T.V. and soon fell asleep on the couch. 

Time skip to 7 in the morning

"Boy, what are you doin' sleeping on the couch?!" Grandad said I sat up Riley had a confused look on his face but also a tired look, I didn't say anything and I just walked up to my room to change clothes. When I was done, I started to walk to Jazmine's house to see if she was doin' anything. I got to Jazmine's house and I knocked on the door. Sarah came to the door on the phone "Yes Huey?" "Is Jazmine home?" "Yeah, she's upstairs, let me go get her" her mother walked upstairs and then Jazmine came walking downstairs "Oh hey Huey" "Jazmine, I gotta talk to you" "Oh sure" she closed the door behind her "I like you, Jazmine" I came right out with it, so it wouldn't get awkward "I like you too, Huey, wait, you do mean like more than a friend right?" I nodded, Jazmine kissed me on the nose and ran back inside, I was shocked but I walked to the tree, not wanting to go back home. 

Jazmine's POV

I ran back inside and closed the door behind me, watching as Huey was walking towards the tree he always sits by, my mom looked at me "What happend?" "Um I'll tell you when I'm ready," I said walking into my room, I laid back and stared at the ceiling.

Riley's POV 

Today was the day that I was gonna tell C that I like her but like you know more then a friend I dunno if she like me back but I got enough confidence unlike Huey to tell a bitch that I like her but Huey probably said some corny shit he heard online that nigga always be on the computer so he probably looked up pick up lines or somthin. I was walkin to C's house and when I got there, I knocked on her door, Cindy opened the door "Oh, wassup Reezy" Cindy said "Hey C, I gotta talk to you in private" Cindy raised her eyebrow and walked outside and closed the door "So, what's it you wanna talk 'bout?" "So, I have been thinking about this a lot and...I um, I like you as you know..more then a friend" I said Cindy's eyes widen and she just stared at me "I like you too Reezy, and yes as more than a friend" Cindy laughed, we both laughed "So, my mom won't leave me alone about hanging out with you so I need an escape for a bit, you wanna go play some basketball?" "Sure," I said getting up "Lemme go get my basketball from my crib real quick," I said running towards my house

Cindy's POV

'I can't believe I fell in love with him...' I thought I smiled and put my hands on my hips, shaking my head. He soon came back with a basketball, he was panting and out of breath "You good homie?" I asked "Yeah...yeah just I ran to the crib real quick then I ran back," He said, I laughed and we started towards the basketball court. When we got there we played basketball a shit ton and then we realized how late it had got, "Damn, I gotta get back home before my mama start trippin" I said, I looked at Riley who looked at me it got quiet for a second I kissed him on the cheek and ran out the basketball court.

(I hope you enjoy this first chapter of my new story, anyway bye bitches👋🏽)

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