Jazmine's Birthday.

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I woke up this morning, super happy, today is my birthday and my parents said they were getting me a really expensive gift. I'm turning 11 today! I'm terrified of puberty because like no offense I love him but...just look at Huey and what puberty is doing to him! He has bad acne, he smells like onions no matter how many showers he takes and how much deodorant he puts on, he's more grumpy than before puberty, he's always tired, he eats a lot...like..A LOT.

We had cake, cupcakes, ice cream, strawberries dipped in chocolate, cookies and a bunch of other things pink was everywhere and ponies were everywhere, Huey looked like he was gonna puke from the sight of all the unhealthy food and pink and ponies Riley looked like he was gonna go blind from all the bright colors, Cindy was basically doing the same as Riley, Arizona didn't really care and, Caesar was.......shoving cake down his throat.

Skip to presents

Huey got me a teddy bear and a necklace with a unicorn on it but looked embarrassed because I guess Huey's grandad had put Huey's name on it and Huey didn't want that and he looked like he didn't wanna talk about it. Riley didn't get me anything...meanie. Arizona got me 5 dollars and a new doll I have been talking about. Caesar got me a card with 5 bucks in it and a stuffed unicorn. Then my last present was a brand new phone that my parents gave me. I wonder how they pay for all this.

After the party

Huey, Arizona and, Caesar stayed to help me and my parents to help clean everything up. When we were done they all went home and yeah, that's it, I'm 11 years old now and I have a new phone!

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