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Riley's POV

It was like 7 am and I went downstairs to the living room with Grandad behind me, I walked into the living room and saw Huey sitting on the couch but his face looked different "Boy have you not been washing yo face?!" Grandad yelled, Huey looked up and his face was COVERED in acne "What?" His voice had gotten deeper "WHAT HAPPEND TO YOUR FACE, IT'S COVERED IN ANCE" I yelled, Huey, looked at me and rolled his eyes "Whatever! I'll go wash my face!" He walked past us and smelt like must "And take a damn shower you smell like sweat!" Grandad yelled and I gagged. "WHATEVER" Huey yelled from upstairs and we heard the bedroom door open and close.

Jazmine's POV

I woke up this morning but I like REALLY had to pee, so I got up and walked into the bathroom. I pulled down my pants and saw that there was...blood in my underwear...I ran to my mom in tears my mom and dad were in the living room "Jazmine swe etie are you okay?!" My dad asked "I'M BLEEDING BADLY" I yelled "Where?" My mom asked "FROM MY PRIVATE" I yelled, my mom and dad, looked at eachother and started to...laugh? "W-WHY ARE YOU GUYS LAUGHING THIS IS SERIOUS" I screamed "Oh sweetie, that's just the way of life," My mom said, "Wait, what?" I asked calming down "You've started your...period," My mom said, "Like...period at the end of a sentence?" I asked "No sweetie...your period that means your becoming a woman," My dad said "Oh okay well do we have anything to stop this from getting all over my underwear because I can feel it through my pants please help me" I said quickly My mom walked upstairs and came back with the thing that looked very weird she told me to (, Okay you know the rest and if you a dude...then good luck finding it out)

Caesar's POV

I had a weird dream, like very weird, I woke up and looked down I saw what looked like something sticking up through my blanket "uhhhh what is that? W-What is that?!" I ran downstairs to my parents "MOM DAD WHAT IS THIS I'M SCARED" I screamed, my parents looked at me then looked down to what I was pointing at "OH...." My dad said, dropping his phone. My mom broke into laughter and had to drink some water because she got the hiccups. "HELP ME" I yelled, "Okay...Caesar, I need to talk to you in the kitchen" my dad said, standing up. We walked into the kitchen and my dad told me something about these things called boners.

Arizona's POV

I woke up to yelling downstairs, I was still in Caesar's room. I got up and left the room and started to walk downstairs, I heard talking in the kitchen and laughing in the living room "What's going on?" I rubbed my eyes, I saw Caesar's mom bent over laughing and holding her stomach and Caesar being talked to in the kitchen by his father. They walked out the kitchen and Caesar looked at me "Oh hey Arizona!" "Hey Caesar, what happend?" I asked "No-" His dad began "I got a boner!" Caesar said, I was shocked 'He....doesn't know what that is, does he?' I thought I laughed super hard and his dad looked embarrassed. 

Huey's POV  

When I was done with my shower I put on a shit ton of deodorant and walked back downstairs to get something to eat. Yeah about me getting something to eat, I basically got the whole fucking kitchen. And I ate it all in like 4 minutes..."Boy, you got, like, the whole damn kitchen! How the hell did you eat that fast?!" Grandad asked I shrugged "I'm gonna hang out with the group, Riley, are you comin with?" I asked, "Yeah fo sho!" He put on his jacket and started following me. We got the group together and went to Jazmine's house to hang out. We ended up playing video games, listening to music, dancing well I didn't dance, singing well I didn't sing and we watched movies and all ended up staying the night at Jazmine's. But Riley had something to show us a like 1 in the morning, it was a website then when I started playing I knew what it was and so did Arizona and we quickly looked away..yes it was pornhub. Caesar was confused and when he saw some things, he started to look like he was gonna puke and Jazmine was puking.

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