Grouphangout part 2.

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Huey's POV

We got to the playground and Jazmine pointed out two kids who were talking to eachother. It was a brown-skinned, freckled girl with curly hair and a boy with dreaded hair and brown skin. "The boy looks like I know him," I said with my hands in my pocket I walked up to the boy he looked like my friend Caesar that I haven't seen in 5 years. "Caesar?" The boy looked at me "Holy bananas" Caesar said, I facepalmed and yeah...

Me and Jazmine went to go swing, Cindy and Riley were playing tag and, Caesar and Arizona were playing hide and seek "Wanna have a swinging contest?" "Sure," I said we both went back on our swings and Jazmine began to count down from 3. When she said go we both went and right away I went higher than her, I ended up beating her and she looked upset "Wha-You swing fast that's unfair!" "How is that unfair?" "I...don't know" "Okay fine you can win..." I said "Thank youuuuuu," Jazmine said then kissed me on the cheek. I guess we were louder then we thought because the whole group was looking at us snickering, Arizona looked disgusted  "That's dis-" Arizona was cut off by Caesar grabbing Arizona's hand, Riley and Cindy turned and looked at eachother and sang that annoying kissing song Jazmine sang when we were waiting for Cindy at my house. Arizona started to blush a lot and Caesar looked nervous as hell. After a while, everybody went back to doing what they were doing before.

Caesar's POV

Arizona had went to go pick flowers, I walked over to her "What are you doing?" I asked, smiling "Oh, I'm picking flowers." Arizona smiled back at me, I sat on my knees and watched as she picked daisies. I started to pick some too then I looked behind me and saw roses. I thought about it for a second and chose to pick a rose and give it to Arizona, "Oh, thank you!" Arizona grabbed the rose and her hand brushed against mine and I froze up "Caesar, are you okay?" Arizona asked "Uh yeah...I guess I just like you or something...oh wait" I started to panic and Arizona stood up and kissed me on the forehead. I stood in one place, not knowing what to do "Guys! It's 8 PM! Everybody, get home before we get in trouble!" Huey yelled that got all our attention, I looked at Arizona "Do you think your parents will let you spend the night at my house?" I asked, "Yeah they should, don't we live next door to eachother?" Arizona asked, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure, let's go and we can ask our parents and hurry up and RUN!" I yelled and we all bolted home.

I got home and asked my parents if Arizona could spend the night and they were OK with it. After a few minutes passed, the doorbell rang and I basically jumped the stairs and opened the door "Hey Arizona!" I said excitedly, "Hi Caesar." Arizona giggled. "Oh, by the way, these are my parents" I pointed to my mom and dad "Hi there!" My mom said "Hey" My dad said, Arizona waved at them then I grabbed her hand and ran upstairs to my room. We got there, my room had an Xbox 360 (Xbox One wasn't around back then), action figures, Mario themed plushies and posters everywhere and a Mortal Kombat 9 poster. "Oh cool! You have an Xbox!" Arizona walked towards the Xbox "Yeah, the game I play the most is Mortal Kombat 9" I said Arizona looked at me with a "game on" face "Wanna fight eachother?" She asked "Bet, I bet you I'll win," I said sitting down grabbing a controller and she grabbed a controller, I chose Scorpion and Arizona chose Sonya. As soon as we started Arizona started mashing the buttons which caused her to get the first punch "H-Hey! Your mashing!" I said "I'm still winning," Arizona said, sticking her tongue out at me we played a bunch more matches when my mom walked in, "Hey kids, I made dinner and lemonade" She said, me and Arizona both looked at my mom and bolted downstairs to the dining room, my mom made steak, corn and, Mac & Cheese with a glass of lemonade. We washed our hands then sat down at the table and started to eat "So, Micheal, how was your day sweetie?" My mom asked me "Oh, it was great! And I found Huey at the park today!" I said, Arizona looked at me and raised an eyebrow "Oh that's great, you should invite him over someday" My mom said, "Who is Micheal?" Arizona asked, I laughed and so did my parents "I'm Micheal" I said laughing 

(Arizona's mind: I thought I got with a salad not a story mode character on GTA 5)

After dinner we both changed into our pjs, I put on my Minecraft onesie in my room and Arizona changed in the bathroom. After a few seconds, Arizona walked into my room wearing a cat onesie she noticed my Minecraft one and laughed "Shut up..."I said, embarrassed, "Make me," She said, I looked to the right of me that had a Mario plushie on the nightstand, I grabbed the plushie and threw it at Arizona "Ow!" Arizona laughed then grabbed a pillow and threw it at me, I laughed and threw the pillow back at her, she caught it with confused me long enough for Arizona to throw the pillow back at me "How the fudge!?" I said confused, Arizona laughed we deiced to watch Spongebob until we fell asleep (Oh my god Caesar is so wholesome just wait 'till he turns 13 that's when all the wholesomeness goes away)

(I hope you enjoyed this chapter, bye bitches!👋🏽)

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