Huey's birthday

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Note: By the way, the song I put, made me cry lol so, get your tissues ready.

Riley's POV

Today was Huey's birthday, the group had got him a bunch of gifts but Jazmine said she got the best gift. Huey is turning 11. 

Huey's party Jazmine's POV

Me, Cindy and, Caesar got to Huey's party. I got the best gift and nobody believes me but I know that Huey will love what I got him, just. Huey doesn't show any emotions so he might just say "Thank you" and put down the gift. Huey had a scowl on his face like always but I know he was happy the whole time. I think so anyway. Huey doesn't like cake so we all just got ice cream instead of cake. When it was time for Huey to open his gifts, he stared at mine the most. He opened every present and mine last. Caesar brought a pick because Huey doesn't pick his hair he just lets it grow...Arizona brought a card with money in it because her parents are rich so they have lots of money. Riley didn't get him anything they kinda hate eachother but they are brothers so they care about eachother.....kinda...Huey didn't care that his little brother didn't get him anything for his birthday. Cindy got him a bunch of chains because like, that's really all she knows not trying to be mean but, Cindy is kinda stupid... when Huey opened my present he just stared at it in shock which Huey has only been shocked like 3 times his whole life so it surprised me. I had got Huey, a card with money in it a book he has been wanting for a really long time and, the newest phone...surprised me and my parents could afford all of this... "Holy.... shit," Huey said, "Watch yo mouth!" Huey's grandad said "Hahaha! Huey's bitchass got yelled at for cussin-oh wait" Riley said, "Alright, that's it!" Huey's grandad took off his belt and started whooping Riley we were all used to this so we didn't care. Huey walked up to me and hugged me which surprised me because he doesn't give hugs and he has only hugged one person besides me which is probably Riley.

 After the Party

I stayed to help Huey take down everything and clean the house up. Grandad and Riley just ate the ice cream that was left while me and Huey did all the work. Cindy, Arizona, and, Caesar had gone home. When me and Huey were done, we were out of breath, we just hung out in Huey's room and talked to eachother. Then I remembered that my birthday is in two days.

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