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me and eunsang are close again with each other— because he really gives the best advices and it somehow calms my mind.

he's really fitted for an older brother image, i can sense that we would be that one brother who will be shy to protect you but protect you as soon as possible as well.

maybe i was wrong for liking him before— it made our bond broken, and now i just don't know how to reinstate things the way it is back then.

"hey minji, i was wondering if you could play the piano for me later... i'm currently practicing a classical song on my violin and i need a piano accompanist." eunsang said

"i don't know , because it's been months since i last played..." i said

"aw it's okay, i bet you're gonna be good as ever!"

when we were about to step inside the school building, sumin and her minions stopped us.

"hey babe!" sumin greeted eunsang, but eunsang pushed her away. "i'm not your babe."

"ugh, so selfish." sumin rolled her eyes and raised her eyebrows back at me.

"i heard what happened to jungmo, lol. if i were him i would really not show up to that party or anything— i don't wanna be in a relationship with someone who's bratty as you." sumin said

"bratty, with smarts. unlike you, i bet you just became our groupmate on the competition before is because you begged everyone, just to get the perks that your oh sweet daddy will give you." i said

sumin was shocked, and threatened me by slapping, but then eunsang grabbed her wrist. "try me sumin, i won't let you slip this time."

she pretended to be shocked, and then cried afterwards, cried very very loud.

"i— i don't know what to react!" she said

i was confused, neither her minions until they realized what was going on.

"minji, i thought you're a good girl but look! you're making me down! minji.... i have a mental health! and yes i'm only doing this for attention, i was pressured by my parents so i begged everyone but — i didn't think you would be gone so far! you're almost telling me that i got the money- but not smarts and it hurts!" sumin said, and her minions calmed her down.

"look, you're the one who said that you have money but not smarts and it literally shows." i replied back, but the other students were already boo-ing me and calling me names and such.

i don't know how to react, and it's too late to run now. but eunsang held my hand just like before and took me to a certain place where nobody was around...

"i don't know eunsang, did i do something bad?" i asked him but then he said no.

"then, why are they against me when i'm clearly saying the right thing?"

"maybe sumin threatened them too?"

"there's too much going on and it's not even a year. please, i just want to go and run alone from this life."

"no you're not." he said

"what do you mean i'm not?"

"if you're running away, i'm coming. i wont let you alone, remember when i promised i'll always be right here?"

i smiled, and so did he.


eunsang and i was just like before i confessed, and things have been going on smooth and i'm slowly getting away from stress.

"there would be a duo activity tommorow. please ready to sing with an instrument accompaniment. that's all, thank you." the teacher said before saying goodbye.

eunsang asked me if i could be his partner so i agreed

"let's practice at my house later?" he asked and i said yes.

after that, he went home early to 'fix things' and so i walked out by myself..

while walking, i accidentally eavesdropped to a converstion who seems to be sumin..

they were on a very tight area, smoking.. and talking things..

so i grabbed my phone to record every moment of the video..

"so, is it true that you have a mental health?" a girl asked her.

"no way i would never be one of those crazy people lol, they should go to a mental facility!"

"deymmm girl, after what you did, the whole school talks about minji in a bad way now!"

"hah, good for her. i'll keep doing this whenever i can so everytime he smashes back at me then everyone's gonna pity me.. lol stupid students." sumin said

i ended the recording and went ahead to eunsang's house.

"that's enough for me to make it an evidence. i don't need to hear or see more.."

i'm sorry if i somewhat made the scenes faster, i'm trying to fit it up to chapter 30, which is POSSIBLY the final chapter.  anyways, i just wanna say i'm writing this to say THANK YOU i don't know but i'm a lacking writer— i do write songs but i admit i'm not good at writing stories so your votes, comments are everything to me! thank you for reading my works, i really appreciate you all and i'm thankful to all of you. i really really mean it..

SIBLING ZONE, EUNSANG ✔️Where stories live. Discover now