To Be Human

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Corey was pacing, after what happened on the street the others practically drug him home and into the garage. He didn't want to tell them, he didn't want to explain or deal with their reactions but there was no way out of this. Everyone silently watched Corey pace until Laney finally spoke, "Core."

Corey stopped, he completely froze and Laney couldn't bring herself to talk again, thankfully Kin did, "What was that?"

Kon spoke, "Why were your eyes red?"

Mina spoke, "And how did those guys just disappear like that?"

Corey sighed and rubbed his eyes, "Those were my brothers and sisters."

Trina spoke, "We don't have any other siblings."

"You don't, I do." Corey took a second to breathe, "Romiel, Aerith, Zachariah, and Hester aren't human, they're angels."

Laney spoke, "But they can't have been angels."

"Oh yes they can, they made the lights go out and they disappeared in the blink of an eye you can't deny that a human couldn't do that."

Everyone stared at him in shock aside from Trina who didn't look convinced, "If they're actually your siblings that would mean-."

Corey cut her off, "That I'm an angel too, yes."

Kon spoke, "But how's that possible?"

Kin spoke, "Wait, is that the reason Corey's been acting so different, because he got possessed by an angel?!"

Laney and Kon gasped, Mina gasped too but one harsh look from Trina made her stay quiet and Corey rolled his eyes. "That's not why I changed, I've been Corey every since he, technically I, was born. It's a long story but the point is that I'm an angel, I've been an angel for as long as any of you have known me in this form."

Mina spoke, "So do you have a different name then, like, an angel name?"

Trina glared at her, "Mina, he's not an angel."

Corey ignored his sister, "Yes, actually, but I'm an archangel, I'm not like the other four you saw."

Laney spoke, "Then which one are you?"

"Take a guess."

Laney thought for a second before she shrugged, "Michael?"

"The other one."

Kin spoke, "Gabriel?"

Corey looked mildly irritated now, "The other, other one."

Kon gasped, "Lucifer?"

Corey smirked, "There it is."

Trina stood up, "Your not Lucifer, your not even an angel, your just my dorky little brother."

Corey flicked his wrist and it was like Trina was forced to sit down, "Don't make me angry."

Laney crossed her arms, "But can you prove you're Lucifer?"

Corey just rolled his eyes again before a pair of wings burst from his back, they were mostly black but the tips of his feathers were red. Corey took a few steps back before he burst into flames and his eyes turned red, everyone stared in shock. Corey glanced at Nick, who had stayed silent this whole time, and got rid of the flames.

He did feel a bit bad when he saw the slightly scared looks on their faces but tried his best to ignore them. He moved his wings a little, mostly due to a sudden nervous twitch before speaking, "Proof enough?"

They all nodded and after taking a few seconds to calm down a little Trina spoke, "So your, like, actually Lucifer or whatever?"


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