Fallen Angel

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Corey was now at home with his family, Nick had decided to stay for moral support since he already knew who Corey was. Trina actually looked nervous which wasn't normal for her, Corey's parents still looked a bit frazzled. Corey spoke, "Okay, you've got questions, I get it, if you sit down I can explain everything but can you please stop pacing?"

They'd been pacing ever since they got home and they finally seemed to calm down enough to sit down. They waited for Corey to explain and he took a breath, "Okay, this is going to seem absolutely crazy but it's the truth. I'm Lucifer, the actual devil himself, and before you get out the pitchforks and torches I'm not here to do anything bad."

"It's kind of a long story, and so is how I ended up here, but I never meant to hurt anyone."

His parents, for now at least, took a minute to process the information before Corey's mom started to cry. "So all of that wasn't a dream then?"

Corey gave her a small smile, "No, it wasn't."

Corey's dad looked at his wife, "What are you talking about dear?"

She wiped her tears away, "Before Corey was born I collapsed, do you remember?"

He nodded, "Of course."

"Well, when I was in the hospital, I woke up in the middle of the night because I was in pain. There was someone sitting in a chair next to me and he told me that I was in danger, giving birth to Corey would kill me. But our son wouldn't make it either, he said he wouldn't take a single breath in this world."

"He told me he could help, he could save me, he couldn't give us our son but he could give us a son and asked me if I wanted to live. I was scared, I didn't want to leave you and Trina so I asked him to help me, he smiled and told me I could sleep, so I did. When I woke up the next day there was no one there and I thought it was all just a dream."

Corey's dad looked at him, "Corey, what happened, when she asked for help?"

Corey looked away, "Technically I could possess anyone but I don't want to, it just seems wrong to take someone's life from them." He looked at his mom, "When I found you I could sense that you were dying, giving birth would kill you. I hated the thought of someone like you dying for trying to give a child life, when I talked to you in the hospital I realized your child didn't have a soul."

"He would be still born, even if I saved you, you would still have to feel the loss of a child you never knew. I could only save you if I used your child as a vessel, that way I could heal you. It sounds stupid but I felt like at least giving you time with a son, even if I wasn't your real son, seemed like the kinder option."

"I never wanted to hurt you, I never intended for you to find out, but I understand if you want me to leave."

Corey's mother took a breath before she stood up, Corey wouldn't look at her, he was waiting for her to tell him to leave. She leaned down and hugged him, he was absolutely shocked and he didn't move even though he wanted to. She let him go and smiled with tears in her eyes, "You saved me and gave me an incredible son, I don't care who you used to be, you're my son."

Corey stared at her in shock for a minute, then his dad walked over, "I have to agree with your mother, devil or not you're our son."

Corey couldn't believe it, but the looks in their eyes told him that they were telling the truth and he felt like it was hard to breathe. He hugged them before a few tears fell from his eyes, "Thank you."

The two hugged their son, they realized that he was holding onto them like he was sure they were going to disappear or something. They reluctantly let him go and his dad spoke, "Corey, you said you have to possess people right?"

He nodded, "Fallen or not I'm an angel and we don't have real forms."

His mother hesitated, "What would happen if you left your 'vessel'?"

"I'd be fine but this body would die, it was never technically alive to begin with, I've been keeping it alive."

Corey looked at the hands of his vessel and his eyes turned red, he was a horrible creature for possessing the dead. He felt as if it was a better option then possessing a living person and living a life that belonged to them. He was taken out of his thoughts when Nick put a hand on his shoulder, Nick smiled and it made him forget his anger.

His eyes turned back and he gave himself a chance to breathe, Corey's dad thought for a minute, "I have to say this is a lot to take in."

Corey smiled a little, "Take your time, it took everyone else some time too."

Corey's mother looked confused, "What do you mean everyone else?"

"Well, um, after the concert on Monday I was with Laney, Kin, Kon, Nick, Trina, and Mina when I got attacked by a few of my siblings."

His dad spoke, "You mean other angels?"

Corey nodded, "They know I escaped my cage, they were planning on putting me back but I'm not lying when I say nothing short of God himself could get me back in there. But I had to explain to them who I am and after a lot of questions they came to terms with it."

His parents looked a bit surprised and Corey rubbed his eyes, "Okay, I'm tired so I vote that we pick this up tomorrow."

His mom smiled, "I think that's a good idea, this has been a long day."

Corey stood up and popped a few of his joints, "Great, I'm going to go to bed." Corey didn't even take a step before he remembered something, "Shit." He looked at Nick, "What are you going to do, I mean it's late and we did almost get mugged."

Corey's dad spoke, "He should stay here tonight, I'll call his parents."

Trina spoke, "He can stay in my room."

Corey's mom spoke, "Oh no, he can stay in Corey's room." She looked at the fallen angel and spoke quietly, "Keep your door open."

Corey looked a bit surprised, "What, why?"

She smiled, "Devil or not I know that look."

Corey paused for a second, "You know, in the past there was always a feeling of disassociation because my parents in those lives never knew who I was. Now that you know it feels different and it's weird, is this what it's like to have a mother?"

Corey's parents and Nick all had strange looks on their faces, it was like they felt bad or were concerned but didn't know how to respond. Trina, however, was mad so she just stormed off to her room, the fallen angel didn't seem affected. "Okay, now that we've got that settled I want to sleep."

Corey gently pushed Nick toward his room and he didn't argue, when they got to the stairs they headed straight for Corey's room. Corey just laid down on his bed, he kicked off his shoes and tossed his ruined jacket on the floor, he really was tired. Nick sat down and smiled a little, "You're really tired aren't you?"

Corey smiled, "My, what ever gave you that impression?"

Nick rolled his eyes and Corey pulled the blanket up, "Are you going to lay down or just sit there?"

Nick laid down and looked at Corey, "So, are you going to tell me what you're thinking right now?"

Corey sighed, "I'm thinking that a lot of shit comes with people knowing you're Satan himself, I'm just hoping no one slips up and tells anyone."

Nick smiled, "If they do there are a lot of ways to explain it, you could say it's a LARP thing."

"Don't dis LARPing, I rather enjoyed it in my past life, well, when I was a child, and we didn't call it LARPing."

Nick rolled his eyes with a smile on his face, "You know what I mean, but you don't have to worry about it. Now let's try to get some sleep, you're tired and so am I, we can talk more in the morning."

Corey smiled a little and Nick pulled him closer, Corey's wings unfurled without him realizing and one of his wings covered Nick like he was protecting him. The older teen just smiled and pulled Corey a little closer, the angel fell asleep quickly and Nick fell asleep soon after.


Not sure when the next one will be done, it's been a crazy week.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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