Chapter two - Child Talk

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"'Miracles exist everywhere, and you happen to have a lot of it. Though I'm not sure what the miracles are but you will find out sooner or later.'" Wei Wuxian recited what the palm reader said. "Lan Zhan, do you believe it?"

Lan Wangji, "I think it's nonsense."

Wei Wuxian, "I think so too, but then when I look at it. I do have quite a lot, hahaha. Back then I was such a troublemaker, I still got through it. I was stuck in the XuanWu cave with you, and we both made it out alive, I didn't die in the burial mounds, there were so many things, yet I still died in the end. But look, thanks to Mo Xuanyu, I got reincarnated, and now I'm here with you!" Wei Wuxian smiles as he lifts the wedding dress.

They walked through the crowds with their hands laced against each other, one pulling the other to see beautiful things in Mongyu. When they got to the bridge, a big crowd was crowding there. Wanting to know what is going on, Wei Wuxian asked the nearest person only to find out that the bridge is the place where you can get your wish granted on Festival Days! Wei Wuxian never believed in wishes that being granted, and so did Lan Wangji, but seeing how happy and peaceful Mongyu was, he felt a magical wave in him and had to make a wish somehow.

"Lan Zhan, let's make a wish over there!" Wei Wuxian went ahead and squeeze through the crowd to get to the middle part of the bridge and clap his hands together. He closed his eyes and whisper, I wish for happiness ahead of us, nothing but happiness and peace. After repeating the wish twice, he turned to Lan Wangji, "Lan Zhan, what did you wish for?"

Lan Wangji, "Wishes are meant to be kept inside, not to tell out loud."

"I will tell you mine, I wish to have a baby in my belly!"

Wei Wuxian laughed as he received no responses from Lan Wangji. From that, he decided to call it a night and go back to the tavern to rest. After saying goodnights to Master and Madame Qian, the two went up to their room. While Lan Wangji was bathing, Wei Wuxian was sitting by his side, propping his chin with the palm of his hand, head filled with mischievous. When Lan Wangji stood up from the tub, Wei Wuxian approached him and put a finger on his chest, right where the brand mark was at. He stepped closer to Lan Wangji until they were barely inches away and whispered.

"HanGuang-Jun, since I'm still in my wedding dress, why don't we re-create our wedding night...?"


After a few rounds of love within the sheets, Wei Wuxian was all snuggled up in Lan Wangji's arms while playing with his hair that was a bit damp with sweat. Wei Wuxian felt uncomfortable with his current position so he decided to moved closer to Lan Wangji until their wet naked skins were pressed against each other, only when Wei Wuxian stop moving did Lan Wangji wrapped his arms tighter around him, securing him in place.

"You know A-Ru? He reminds me of A-Yuan when he was still a little kid, with the leg clinging." Wei Wuxian spoke after intertwining his hand with Lan Wangji. "It was so cute and funny when he fell and started clinging onto my leg! Just like A-Yuan when he fell in the field back then, can you believe that he thought I would bury him again beside those radishes? Hahaha! It was so funny."

After reminiscing the past with Lan Sizhui being in his care twenty-four hours when he was still living in Yiling Mountain makes him happy, Lan Sizhui was his only happiness and light when he was in the deep darkness after all, "Kids sure are nice, aren't they?"

"Do you like kids?" Lan Wangji asked, stroking his back.

"I do, they are very cute," After saying those, Wei Wuxian suddenly realized that not only he never got to see Jin Ling's face after he was born, he also never got to hold him in his arms. The gift he prepared for Jin Ling was also never delivered, the gift he spent days and nights on making to protect Jin Ling. With such thought in mind, he felt a bit sad. Then out of nowhere, he turned to Lan Wangji and asked, "Lan Zhan, what if I get pregnant?"

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