Chapter three - Changes in everything

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With the awkwardness surrounding them, Jiang Cheng drinking slowly while trying to look anywhere else but Wei Wuxian's face, Wei Wuxian chugging down Emperor's Smile from time to time, they didn't say anything to each other. When Wei Wuxian couldn't hold it anymore, he blurted out, "I had a dream of Shijie."

Jiang Cheng was lifting the cup of wine to his mouth and stopped. He took a moment before looking over to Wei Wuxian whose looking at him intently. Wei Wuxian expected him to say 'Someone like you get to dream about my sister?!' or some other insults but after a while of Jiang Cheng staring at him, he finally spoke. "What did you dream about."

Wei Wuxian was caught off guard. What Jiang Cheng said wasn't even a question, it was a statement that needed an answer to add on to it. Then, it was Jiang who was staring at Wei Wuxian, and now that he's caught off guard, Wei Wuxian couldn't help but spaced out a bit while staring at Jiang Cheng's cold face. "I..."

Before Wei Wuxian start, Jiang Cheng cut in with sarcasm and a scoff. "Someone like you dreaming about A-Jie? Shameless." There it is, the rude sarcasm.

"I... I dreamt of when Shijie was pregnant and that peacock— Um, ahem, Jin Zixuan was taking good care of Shijie."

Jiang Cheng, "If he didn't treat A-Jie right, I would have whipped him with Zidian."

Wei Wuxian, "Right? That peacock was so arrogant I don't know why Shijie accepted him, I still can't forget when he treated her wrong."

Jiang Cheng, "He must've sacrificed his whole fortune in his previous life to..."

Noticing how they suddenly went off-topic and having a proper conversation, both cleared their throats and drank their cup of wine away, forgetting the topic of their Shijie being pregnant. After a long moment of internal arguments, Jiang Cheng braved up and spoke, "Your sword... Suibian... Can you still use it?"

Wei Wuxian, "Ah... Suibian, I can still use it but I haven't practiced swordsmanship in decades, I'm still not used to it. But it's whatever."

Jiang Cheng, "You know... If you're still not used to it or have forgotten how to... Y-You can always come back to Lotus Pier to l-learn it again—"



Wei Wuxian, "What did you say? I couldn't hear it—"

Jiang Cheng, "Wei Wuxian! You're— You— Whatever! Jin Ling, let's go."

"But I'm not done eating!"

"Are you coming or not?!"

When Jiang Cheng stood up and was about to leave the shop, Wei Wuxian stood up too and ran towards him and cling onto him while laughing. "What? Embarrassed about what you just said? Sect Leader Jiang, I think you forgot that I'm your senior brother, I can come in and out of Lotus Pier however I want, hahaha."

Jiang Cheng, "Who said you could?! Did I—"

It was a weird feeling that made Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng stopped moving. The junior disciples who weren't that experienced in terms of senses couldn't sense what the two could.

Wei Wuxian, "Jiang Cheng, did you feel that?"

Jiang Cheng, "...In the West..."

Wei Wuxian, "Ha, seems like you improved over the years without me guiding yo—"

Jiang Cheng, "Wei Wuxian! Do you want to be whipped with Zidian or let Fairy bite you?!"

Hearing Zidian already makes his movement stop, he has been whipped hundreds of times in the past life by Madame Yu to know that his current body—that is low on spirit energy— should not be whipped by Zidian or anything. But now that Jiang Cheng has mentioned Fairy, he climbed off of Jiang Cheng in a second without thinking, making him almost fall to the ground.

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