Chapter 6

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"I swear," Addy's voice was torn between amusement and frustration, "I almost want to throw the man into the lake; he's never been so jumpy or secretive in his life, and he won't tell me anything."

Helen bit back the cry of, He's about to propose, you dummy! and instead said, "Wow. That's annoying."

Addy snorted. "Right?! He wants to go for a walk by the lake later, so he'll either tell me then or end up in the water."

Even with the knowledge that things would be different by the end of the night, Helen managed a chuckle. "That's the spirit."

"I know; I'm an angel." Addy's voice dipped then, until it was colored with concern. "How are you? Everything okay over there? Not partying too hard, I hope."

It was a weak attempt at humor, but Helen appreciated it nonetheless. "Not this time," she replied, a small smile playing on her lips. "I'm fine, though, promise." It was easier to lie over the phone, since Addy wasn't able to see the thick layer of concealer covering the bags under her eyes, but Helen was still quick to add, "I'm heading out pretty soon, actually." Surely that would distract Addy from inquiring further about Helen's mental state.

Thankfully, it did.

"'Heading out'?" Addy repeated suspiciously. "Excuse you? You better not be working through the weekend again, Nell."

Helen's eyes swiveled to the clock on the living room wall, noting that its hands were creeping ever closer to 1. "Not today," she reassured the other woman. "I'm going out with Pat, actua—"

"Holy mother of—" Helen whipped the phone away from her ear, grimacing when she could still make out Addy's curses. Once no more shrieking could be heard, she returned the device to her ear.

"You done?"

"'Done'?! Helen! What the hell! You're going on a date with your sexy driver, and all you can say is 'you done'?!"

"It's not a date," she grumbled, even as her mind whispered, But I kind of wish it was.

"'It's not a date,' my ass!" Addy rebuked huffily. "When did this happen?"

Helen wasn't exactly sure how she could explain the situation to Addy without revealing Isaiah's impending proposal, so she just said, "The other day. We're going to the animal shelter where he got his cat."

Addy hummed thoughtfully. "I wasn't aware we needed a pet, but okay."

"We" don't need anything, Helen thought morosely. But I need a companion of some kind.

"What can I say?" she bounced up and down on the balls of her feet nervously when the clock's minute hand inched forward another notch. "It's about time we got a cat or something."

"Fair enough. I still say this is a date though, and I won't hear otherwise; I expect every single detail later, do you understand?"

Addy's voice was stern, and Helen cracked a grin at her best friend's antics. "I understand. I also expect the details of Isaiah's soon-to-come water dunking."

The other woman's laughter was bright as it crackled down the line. "A story for a story!" she agreed cheerfully. "Have fun with your boyfriend—love you!"

Rolling her eyes and ignoring the first part, Helen replied, "Love you too. Bye, Ads." Addy said her goodbyes, and Helen hit the End Call button just before the phone buzzed in her hand once more.

This call, however, wasn't from Addy.

Swallowing down a sudden bout of nerves, Helen answered smoothly, "Hello, Pat. Running late?" It was two minutes till one.

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