Chapter 26

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Helen hefted up another box of gifts and carried it to Pat, who was standing by the back of his SUV with a frown upon his features as he reorganized the boxes and bags they'd already loaded.

"This is the last one," Helen announced once she was close enough, passing him a small smile as he turned to face her.

His frown deepened as he took the box. "Thanks, sweetheart—you didn't have to do that."

Ah, always a gentleman, even while stressed.

"I know, but I wanted to help," she told him, watching as he shoved the box into the spot he'd cleared before wiping his hands off on his jeans. Although she had wanted to help, she also wanted him to catch a break; although they never spoke much about his limp, Helen wasn't blind to it, nor the fact that it had gotten worse as the day had progressed.

Pat, oblivious to her stare, stepped away from the car and closed the trunk, letting his hands rest on the vehicle for several beats before he shifted back to her with a strained grin. "Ready to make dinner? I was thinking chicken parmesan."

Nodding, Helen let him dust a kiss over her forehead, and then followed him back inside the house, casting his car one last sorrowful glance as she went.

It was only Friday, but Pat was leaving the following morning; Tess's condition had worsened, and the entire family was worried about the woman and her baby. Pat, Helen knew, was more than ready to be with his sister, but his love for Helen forced him to wait for the weekend.

Although he'd insisted that he simply wanted to stay and work one more day before leaving, Helen wasn't stupid. She'd caught every single one of his concerned glances towards her, and—although she shared in his worry—she couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Who am I to keep him here? He should be with Tess.

She'd mentioned it to Pat once, and he was quick to shut down that particular train of thought. "I'm here because I want to be here," he'd explained firmly. "I will be with Tess soon, but until then I want to soak in a little bit more of you."

Still, Helen was anxious, both for herself and for Patterson.

Although the doctors were confident that they would be able to save both Tess and the baby if they did surgery within the next week, mother and child would have a long road to recovery, especially the baby. Because he or she was going to be delivered several months early, the little infant would need to stay at the hospital until he or she was healthy enough to go home.

Pat had shared in all these thoughts, if the stress lines on his face while he and Helen had loaded up the baby's presents into his SUV were any indication.


She snapped out of her thoughts to find herself hovering by the kitchen table, with Pat in front of her, a crease between his brows as he inspected her. "Sorry," she mumbled, shaking off the daze. "Chicken parmesan, eh? Do you want me to make it?" she cast a quick look down at his leg and then back up at his face. "You look so tired, Pat."

One side of his mouth quirked up into a smile, and his eyes expressed nothing but appreciation. "I love you, Helena." He announced, bending to peck a sweet kiss against her lips. "Truly. Don't worry, though, I'm alright. Once we eat, I'll give the ole leg a massage."

She snuggled into his chest and hummed as he stroked a soothing hand through her curls. "Will you teach me how?" she'd seen him do his stretches in the morning and before bed, but she'd yet to witness him massaging the leg.

"I'd like that," he replied, his lips pressed to her forehead, his beard tickling her skin. "You'll be the prettiest nurse I've ever had."

"I couldn't go into healthcare," she told him absently, "I once started crying when I saw a frog get run over." Granted, it had pretty soon after the accident, and she'd been an absolute mess already, but still.

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