Ch 1

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As i took the final bite and licking the blood off of my hands, I stood up close the fridge, went and took a shower, change clothes, grab a mop and put the blood in three bags. Just in case if I can't find a new meal to kill later on. I wash my hands from the blood....after licking it once or twice.

I changed again to not be recognized, brought some cloth and hydrogen peroxide and probably go to the bar that is in the next two towns...hey! Try not to be caught and they find out your part zombie and send you to a lab on the spot! I got to play my cards safe here...

I go to a very unnoticeable path way to a secret truck that has ropes, chains, a tracking collars, tracking device, and my weapons if I'm impatient. I got in, started the car and drive off. *Sigh* why did they make me this way? Couldn't i be tested for something else?

Oh well there's nothing that can be done now can it? At least they got what they deserved at the end......I wonder what an animatronic taste. Probably going to bite one of Jon's though. Hmm. If the portal can change us...then can it make me human again? Or zombie.... and then they could end my misery...

"..I'm here...."

(241 words)

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