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"AAH! Plushy! You scared me!"
"Anyways aren't we supposed to be awake and in that dumb lab?"
"Ya know? The creepy place where we all woke up from?"
"O-oh .....yeah! your right!"
"Wait what happened?"
"Well...When that 'king of doodoo heads' made of tin threw you in the portal. you got thrown out straight to a tree and a bunch of branches fell on your head...... Considering the fact that your head is fragile nightmare made sure to make it heal up a bit quicker than it already is!"
"Wait! Nightmare here!!"
"Yes child, Rest a bit with me. It's has been a while since we've seen each other."
As I run up to them and give them a big hug, Plushy tells me that they have already told them all about what nightmare has missed when they were gone to find something to help me.

"Bryan...N. Fredbear is controlling your body you want to watch? I know how you feel about that place but i also know you are hesate to leave molten unwatched."
"Yes please..does everyone know about what they mis-"
"Yes, you don't need to worry about it. We are going to take a break for about a month to stay and play with you alright?"
"Mhm!....." As the giant clock turned to a screen to see what Nightmare Fredbear is doing and saying. We could hear his thoughts so we could communicate with each other about what's happening currently.

I see that AI is helping N.FB (Nightmare Fredbear) to get out of the pile of branches on top of us, RS Foxy is trying to cut the branches into smaller pieces of wood to be easier to get out of, and left scolding molten off on how that is dangerous for fragile humans like me.....molten could've cared less about me it seems.... After a few minutes my body was finally able to get out there and we were walking towards the entrance of heck with the others.

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